How to Unplug the Septic Tank in a Trailer
- 1). Open the black tank valve and let it drain as thoroughly as possible. Leave the valve open as you work to free the clog.
- 2). Dump several buckets of water into the black tank through the toilet. Sometimes the force of a large amount of water will loosen up the clog.
- 3). Buy a toilet rinser wand, which can be purchased at any store that carries camping supplies. Attach the wand to the end of a regular water hose--not the drinking water hose. Insert the wand through the toilet from inside the trailer and down into the black tank. Have someone turn on the water full blast. Move the rinser in all directions to try to loosen the clog.
- 4). Pour a bucket full of ice cubes through the toilet and down into the black tank. Add some water. Hook up the trailer and drive it around for awhile. The ice cubes act as an agitator, freeing up any stuck debris.
- 5). Use a tank rinser if your trailer is equipped with one. The force of the water may release the clog.