Where to Find Websites to Make Free Flashing Texts on a Profile
- Using Blinking Text Live is a pretty straightforward task. The first step is to type whatever text you wish to make blink into the "Text:" field. Next choose the two colors your text will alternate with, if you desire that effect. Finally, select the font you wish to use, as well as the size and angle that the font will be displayed in and the blink speed. Click on the "Create Blinking Text" button to preview your creation.
Below the "Create Blinking Text" button is a section that will allow you to paste your blinking text creation to most of the popular social networking sites, such as MySpace, Facebook, etc. If you click on the icon that represents any of these sites a window will popup that will allow you to automatically access your account, once you allow Blinking Text Live access to your account.
Below the section that allows you to add the blinking text to your profile automatically is a section that allows you to copy and paste the HTML code into any forum that is not listed in the automatic insertion section.
There are three different code types created that should allow for all of the various forum types to accept your code. The best method to use is to copy and paste the top code line, labeled "Bulletin Board (1)," into your forum profile and press save. If it works, great, if not replace that line of code with "Bulletin Board (2)" and test that code out. If this doesn't work, try "Direct Link" and test it.
If none of these options works in your forum, the chances are that you will need to ask the moderator if his forum supports this type of code. You should also be aware that some forums do not allow new users' HTML access until they have been members for a while.