Russian Torture in the Chenya war
Russian forces carrying out counterterrorism operations have tortured thousands of Chechen fighters and suspects to gain information. There are few traces of this torture, and almost no accountability for it, because of the Russian practice of "disappearing" its suspects.
According to Human Rights Watch in 2005:
According to Human Rights Watch in 2005:
“Disappearances” in Chechnya are so widespread and systematic that they constitute crimes against humanity; by some estimates between 3,000 and 5,000 have “disappeared” since 1999. In numerous cases their corpses are found in unmarked graves or dumped, but in most instances they are simply never heard from after being taken into custody . . . The majority of the bodies showed signs of severe mutilation, including flaying or scalping, broken limbs, severed finger tips and ears, and close range bullet wounds typical of summary executions. Examinations by medical doctors of some of these bodies have revealed that some of the deliberate mutilations were inflicted while the detainees were still alive.