Dealing With Prostate Cancer - Eating Right and Maintaining Good Nutrition For Prostate Cancer
Maintaining good nutrition for Prostate Cancer is essential to help combating the side-effects of prostate cancer treatment.
This can give you more energy and you will probably also feel better.
oMaintain a Basic Calorie Intake - Maintain the basic calorie needs of your body while dealing with prostate cancer is important.
If you suffer from prostate cancer and you maintain a stable weight, then the estimated calorie intake is possibly about fifteen calories per pound of weight.
If you are losing weight, then you might add five hundred calories every day.
For example, if a person weighs 160 pounds, then the caloric intake of the person should be 2,260 calories each day to maintain a stable weight.
oTake Protein Each Day to Tackle Prostate Cancer - Proteins help the body in repairing and rebuilding damaged body tissue by prostate cancer.
An estimated protein intake might be 0.
5 to 0.
6 grams for every pound of body weight.
For example, a person weighing one hundred and fifty pounds requires around seventy-five to ninety grams of protein intake per day.
Foods that are rich in proteins are dairy products, meat, eggs, fish and legumes - especially beans.
8 oz of milk - 8 grams of protein.
One ounce of fish, meat or poultry - 7 grams of protein oDrink Enough Fluids - Drink around eight cups of fluids each day.
This is the best way of preventing dehydration.
Fluids can be water, milk, juice, milkshakes, gelatine, broths and other beverages.
Avoid fluids that contain caffeine or excess sugar.
However, if prostate cancer treatment's side effect is diarrhoea and vomiting, then you will need to consume extra fluids.
oEnough Vitamins- If your food is not vitamin-rich, then you may need to take vitamin supplements.
Natural sources of vitamins include nuts, olive oil, seeds, avocado oil, non-fat milk, peas and wheat germ.
oFoods That Are Rich in Lycopene and Quercetin - These plant pigments promote health and may have cancer-fighting abilities.
Foods that are rich in lycopene are watermelons, papaya, red grapefruit, red berries and tomatoes.
Quercetin has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties that may be beneficial in reducing the pain of the inflamed prostate.
Foods that are rich in quercetin are green and black tea, apples, onions, red wine, citrus fruits, raspberries, red grapes, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries and leafy green vegetables.
oGet a Dietician's Help - A dietitian will provide you suggestions to improve your eating.
This might cover taste changes, feelings of fullness and any difficulty in swallowing.
Your dietitian can guide you with ways to maximize the calories and proteins.
There are many tips that a dietitian may provide you, which may be beneficial for you and your health.
This can give you more energy and you will probably also feel better.
oMaintain a Basic Calorie Intake - Maintain the basic calorie needs of your body while dealing with prostate cancer is important.
If you suffer from prostate cancer and you maintain a stable weight, then the estimated calorie intake is possibly about fifteen calories per pound of weight.
If you are losing weight, then you might add five hundred calories every day.
For example, if a person weighs 160 pounds, then the caloric intake of the person should be 2,260 calories each day to maintain a stable weight.
oTake Protein Each Day to Tackle Prostate Cancer - Proteins help the body in repairing and rebuilding damaged body tissue by prostate cancer.
An estimated protein intake might be 0.
5 to 0.
6 grams for every pound of body weight.
For example, a person weighing one hundred and fifty pounds requires around seventy-five to ninety grams of protein intake per day.
Foods that are rich in proteins are dairy products, meat, eggs, fish and legumes - especially beans.
8 oz of milk - 8 grams of protein.
One ounce of fish, meat or poultry - 7 grams of protein oDrink Enough Fluids - Drink around eight cups of fluids each day.
This is the best way of preventing dehydration.
Fluids can be water, milk, juice, milkshakes, gelatine, broths and other beverages.
Avoid fluids that contain caffeine or excess sugar.
However, if prostate cancer treatment's side effect is diarrhoea and vomiting, then you will need to consume extra fluids.
oEnough Vitamins- If your food is not vitamin-rich, then you may need to take vitamin supplements.
Natural sources of vitamins include nuts, olive oil, seeds, avocado oil, non-fat milk, peas and wheat germ.
oFoods That Are Rich in Lycopene and Quercetin - These plant pigments promote health and may have cancer-fighting abilities.
Foods that are rich in lycopene are watermelons, papaya, red grapefruit, red berries and tomatoes.
Quercetin has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties that may be beneficial in reducing the pain of the inflamed prostate.
Foods that are rich in quercetin are green and black tea, apples, onions, red wine, citrus fruits, raspberries, red grapes, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries and leafy green vegetables.
oGet a Dietician's Help - A dietitian will provide you suggestions to improve your eating.
This might cover taste changes, feelings of fullness and any difficulty in swallowing.
Your dietitian can guide you with ways to maximize the calories and proteins.
There are many tips that a dietitian may provide you, which may be beneficial for you and your health.