Interesting Facts About the Golden Eagle
- With an adult wingspan of between 6 and 7.5 feet, golden eagles are generally among the largest birds of prey in their geographic range. Along with their size, golden eagles can also be identified by their uniform dark brown color, which lightens to golden brown near their heads and necks; the relatively small size of their heads; and the presence of feathers along their feet, which extend to the birds' toes. Immature golden eagles look similar to adults, but tend to have white patches on their tails and wings.
- Golden eagles live throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, ranging from Alaska to northern Mexico in North America. They can also be found in Asia, northern Africa and Europe. Though golden eagles are common in North America in general, they are rarely seen in the eastern parts of the United States and Canada.
- Golden eagles prefer both heavily forested areas and hilly, open grasslands that border on forests. Golden eagles will also inhabit mountainous areas, tundra and prairies, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. When looking for nesting sites, golden eagles will opt for rocky cliffs and, in some circumstances, high tree branches. A single pair of golden eagles will maintain a territory of up to 60 square miles.
- Though golden eagles are capable of catching very large animals (such as deer), the primary diet of golden eagles consists of much smaller prey. Golden eagles will catch and consume small mammals (rodents, prairie dogs and rabbits, for example), fish, other birds, reptiles and even insects. Carrion can also make up a portion of a golden eagle's diet. National Geographic notes that golden eagles were once regularly killed by ranchers who feared for their livestock, though this ultimately proved to be an unfounded fear for the most part.
- Golden eagles spend the majority of their day hunting prey, which they do by flying close to the ground or perching, occasionally on the ground, and waiting for their prey to appear. The Carolina Raptor Center notes that golden eagles maintain a 30 percent success rate during their hunts.
Golden eagles form monogamous pairs for several years if not for life, and both parties engage in nest-building. Males and females take turns incubating their eggs, with one eagle sitting on the nest while the other provides food.