Want to Get Slim? Get a Smaller Plate!
Do you sometimes think that the process of losing weight is getting too complicated? Can it really be that difficult? Do we really have to understand all these complicated formulas in order to shed a few pounds? Diet books can be quite daunting.
Endless pages of what to do and what not to do, and they all seem to have the unfriendly feel of your most unfavorable chemistry school text book.
Do we ever ask ourselves "How did I put all this weight on?" It's a very simple question, but one that is seldom asked.
We all have an aversion to revisiting our past errors, but it is a very important thing to do.
If we understand how we put weight on, then we will find it so much easier to take it off.
Why? Because in nearly every case our weight gain is caused by our behavior, by our bad eating and lifestyle habits.
There is no point in blaming the food we ate.
We are the ones that chose to eat it.
We also chose how much of it to eat as well.
Weight gain is down to us, down to our behavior.
If we want to achieve long-lasting permanent weight loss then that is down to the way we behave as well.
Unless we change the way we behave we will never lose weight permanently.
It is all about recognizing the behavior that made us fat and changing our behavior if we want to lose weight.
How is it done? By learning new habits, slim habits.
If we learn new habits we can change our behavior.
Try this experiment.
The next time you prepare an evening meal serve it on a small side plate not on the plate you normally use.
The portion size will be much smaller.
Now eat your meal.
Continue to do this for 21 days.
At the end you will find that you are perfectly happy with a smaller portion and you will have gotten out of the habit of giving yourself a large plate of food.
You will have learned a new slim habit.
By changing your habits you will be able to change your behavior.
Permanent weight loss can then become a reality.
Endless pages of what to do and what not to do, and they all seem to have the unfriendly feel of your most unfavorable chemistry school text book.
Do we ever ask ourselves "How did I put all this weight on?" It's a very simple question, but one that is seldom asked.
We all have an aversion to revisiting our past errors, but it is a very important thing to do.
If we understand how we put weight on, then we will find it so much easier to take it off.
Why? Because in nearly every case our weight gain is caused by our behavior, by our bad eating and lifestyle habits.
There is no point in blaming the food we ate.
We are the ones that chose to eat it.
We also chose how much of it to eat as well.
Weight gain is down to us, down to our behavior.
If we want to achieve long-lasting permanent weight loss then that is down to the way we behave as well.
Unless we change the way we behave we will never lose weight permanently.
It is all about recognizing the behavior that made us fat and changing our behavior if we want to lose weight.
How is it done? By learning new habits, slim habits.
If we learn new habits we can change our behavior.
Try this experiment.
The next time you prepare an evening meal serve it on a small side plate not on the plate you normally use.
The portion size will be much smaller.
Now eat your meal.
Continue to do this for 21 days.
At the end you will find that you are perfectly happy with a smaller portion and you will have gotten out of the habit of giving yourself a large plate of food.
You will have learned a new slim habit.
By changing your habits you will be able to change your behavior.
Permanent weight loss can then become a reality.