All You Need To Know About Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be defined as swelling and inflammation in blood vessels around the rectal and anal region.
There are two primary types of hemorrhoids that include internal and external.
Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the entrance of the anus and exterior hemorrhoids occur outside the anal entrance.
Hemorrhoids can be even more painful when a blood clot or thrombosis occurs inside the veins.
It can primarily occur when the varicose veins get swollen.
Constipation is the prime reason due to which hemorrhoids occur.
However, hemorrhoids can also occur during certain medical conditions such as cirrhosis and pregnancy.
Persons sitting for prolonged periods of time and those taking diet low in fibers and fluids can also develop hemorrhoids.
Other factors that contribute to hemorrhoids include age, overeating and lack of exercise.
In most cases, hemorrhoids get cured on their own.
However, medical attention need to be sought when the hemorrhoids are intensely painful, are ulcerated and bleed profusely.
The disease can be diagnosed through physical examination.
However, medical practitioners can also perform sigmoidoscopy or colonyscopy, an endoscopic procedure employed for observing the interiors of colon and rectum.
Prevention is easy.
One needs to have an intake of copious amount of water and other fluids.
Insufficient amounts of water intake make the stools hard and difficult to eject.
Consumption of foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are rich in dietary fiber can also prevent hemorrhoids.
Dietary fiber helps in regulating bowel movements and aids in getting the stool expel naturally.
One could also include antioxidants found in dark berries that can help in maintaining and regaining vascular integrity.
Conventional medications include used of corticosteroid creams such as lidocaine that are helpful in reducing pain and swelling.
Physicians also prescribe bulk laxatives and stool softeners that can prevent hard stools, constipation and flatulence.
There are two primary types of hemorrhoids that include internal and external.
Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the entrance of the anus and exterior hemorrhoids occur outside the anal entrance.
Hemorrhoids can be even more painful when a blood clot or thrombosis occurs inside the veins.
It can primarily occur when the varicose veins get swollen.
Constipation is the prime reason due to which hemorrhoids occur.
However, hemorrhoids can also occur during certain medical conditions such as cirrhosis and pregnancy.
Persons sitting for prolonged periods of time and those taking diet low in fibers and fluids can also develop hemorrhoids.
Other factors that contribute to hemorrhoids include age, overeating and lack of exercise.
In most cases, hemorrhoids get cured on their own.
However, medical attention need to be sought when the hemorrhoids are intensely painful, are ulcerated and bleed profusely.
The disease can be diagnosed through physical examination.
However, medical practitioners can also perform sigmoidoscopy or colonyscopy, an endoscopic procedure employed for observing the interiors of colon and rectum.
Prevention is easy.
One needs to have an intake of copious amount of water and other fluids.
Insufficient amounts of water intake make the stools hard and difficult to eject.
Consumption of foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are rich in dietary fiber can also prevent hemorrhoids.
Dietary fiber helps in regulating bowel movements and aids in getting the stool expel naturally.
One could also include antioxidants found in dark berries that can help in maintaining and regaining vascular integrity.
Conventional medications include used of corticosteroid creams such as lidocaine that are helpful in reducing pain and swelling.
Physicians also prescribe bulk laxatives and stool softeners that can prevent hard stools, constipation and flatulence.