Best Ways to Generate Website Traffic
The fact is that organic "just because" website traffic is very rare. If you truly want to make a living as an internet marketer, you need to take the time to entice people to visit your site. Building traffic to your site does not have to be hard. Once you learn the right methods, you won't have to spend more than an hour or so per day at the task of building traffic. The fact is, there are many effective methods to bring more traffic to your website.
Here are some basic traffic generation methods that you can start doing today.
You don't want to manually submit your site to the major search engines, but it's fine to manually submit to secondary search engines which will help you in certain ways. Using SEO might get you picked up organically, but the quickest way to make sure that your site is indexed on the major search engines is to use Web 2.0 methods. It won't take very long to submit to several dozen secondary engines. However, you will see traffic from them, and they will also contribute to your site's 'popularity' which the major engines will notice. You may or may not know that it's possible to get backlinks in many ways, also - some count more than others in terms of backlink "weight." You don't want all high PR, high-power backlinks because Google recognizes that as unnatural, so having a good variety will make things look more normal, and natural.
Contact people who publish content in your niche and ask them for articles you can use. If you offer them a link back to their site, they will probably be glad to let you use some of their content, such as an article of three hundred or so words. Doing this can help you in two different ways. Your page rank can go up by having more outbound links. In addition to the outbound link, you'll be getting an inbound link too. When someone knows that their content is on your site, they may want to brag about this on their own site, and this way you'll be getting a link back to your website. Doing this can bring you visitors who found out about you from the contributor's site, and you will also be building both your inbound and outbound links!
Don't just pick a domain name randomly, but give it some thought. Your domain name can be very important in attracting traffic. Pick a name that is simple and not hard to spell. Publicity and networking are important for your business, whether it's on or offline. If your domain name has an odd spelling, is too long, or uses a lot of hyphens, it will be harder for people to remember and access. What you are aiming for is having lots of people visiting your site and then recommending it to others. With a domain name that's too unusual or hard to spell, there is a greater chance that mistakes will be made when someone wants to copy and send it. Be creative, but be careful!
Some marketers have trouble deciding what traffic generating tools or strategies to focus on, as there are so many to choose from. Thankfully, you can try out more than one method at a time. The trick is to consistently devote a couple of hours every day to your traffic generating campaigns; this way, before you know it, your website will be visited by hundreds of people every single day! The best part is that you'll start making more sales as well!