5 Common Traits Of Successful Business Owners
In this article we will take a look at five common traits that successful business owners have.
The reason why I want to explore this subject is simply because, by understanding what they are, your chances of success in business will greatly increase.
Let's get started.
Common Business Trait Number 1 - Creativity Although not all successful business owners are creative thinkers, many of the world's leading authorities in business are.
From Richard Branson through to Walt Disney, these exceptionally creative entrepreneurs have achieved amazing levels of business success.
In terms of being creative, you either are, or you are not.
Whilst creativity can be taught, it is prevalent from birth in many leading business men and women.
Common Business Trait Number 2 - No Fear of Risk or Failure I have spoken to many people who say that they want to start a business, but are worried about failure.
I think this is such a shame because I strongly believe if you take the plunge, the safety net will always appear.
We are extremely adaptable as human beings and generally always manage to find our way to safety.
The same applies in business; if you have the entrepreneurial urge, don't fight it.
I gave up a solid career in the Fire Service and a salary of £50,000 per year to follow my business dream, and it paid off.
Common Business Trait Number 3 - Perseverance This has to be my favourite word.
I always find that If I work hard and don't give in, success will always follow.
Yes, I have to work hard and push myself in business, but if I do, I know I will be successful.
Look at this way, if you throw lots of spaghetti at the wall, some will stick! The same rule applies in business; if you keep trying and don't give in, you will be successful.
Common Business Trait Number 4 - Shrewdness The most successful business owners I know are tight with their money! I know one person (a friend) in particular who has made millions from business, but has yet to buy me a drink.
Personally, I don;t like to operate like that, but there is certainly something in that way of operating that we can all learn from.
The most successful business owners, no matter how wealthy they become, always watch the pennies.
Common Business Trait Number 5 - Stick to What You Are Good At Again, the most successful business owners I have come across have excelled in an area that you know.
Personally, I made my money through careers.
I am good at careers and good at helping people to find work; therefore, that is the first business I chose.
It worked for me and it will work for you - stick to what you are good at! If you follow the above important business tips then you will always succeed.
The reason why I want to explore this subject is simply because, by understanding what they are, your chances of success in business will greatly increase.
Let's get started.
Common Business Trait Number 1 - Creativity Although not all successful business owners are creative thinkers, many of the world's leading authorities in business are.
From Richard Branson through to Walt Disney, these exceptionally creative entrepreneurs have achieved amazing levels of business success.
In terms of being creative, you either are, or you are not.
Whilst creativity can be taught, it is prevalent from birth in many leading business men and women.
Common Business Trait Number 2 - No Fear of Risk or Failure I have spoken to many people who say that they want to start a business, but are worried about failure.
I think this is such a shame because I strongly believe if you take the plunge, the safety net will always appear.
We are extremely adaptable as human beings and generally always manage to find our way to safety.
The same applies in business; if you have the entrepreneurial urge, don't fight it.
I gave up a solid career in the Fire Service and a salary of £50,000 per year to follow my business dream, and it paid off.
Common Business Trait Number 3 - Perseverance This has to be my favourite word.
I always find that If I work hard and don't give in, success will always follow.
Yes, I have to work hard and push myself in business, but if I do, I know I will be successful.
Look at this way, if you throw lots of spaghetti at the wall, some will stick! The same rule applies in business; if you keep trying and don't give in, you will be successful.
Common Business Trait Number 4 - Shrewdness The most successful business owners I know are tight with their money! I know one person (a friend) in particular who has made millions from business, but has yet to buy me a drink.
Personally, I don;t like to operate like that, but there is certainly something in that way of operating that we can all learn from.
The most successful business owners, no matter how wealthy they become, always watch the pennies.
Common Business Trait Number 5 - Stick to What You Are Good At Again, the most successful business owners I have come across have excelled in an area that you know.
Personally, I made my money through careers.
I am good at careers and good at helping people to find work; therefore, that is the first business I chose.
It worked for me and it will work for you - stick to what you are good at! If you follow the above important business tips then you will always succeed.