What Happens to a Public Authority That Doesn"t Deliver What They"ve Promised to Their Own Residents
All of the Westminster City Council car parks have been awarded the Safer Car Park award".
Based on the above statement, a motorcyclist would assume to be able to park their motorbike or scooter in any Council owned car park safely, without worring about their bike being possibly damaged or knocked over.
After all, with Westminster's trained attendants and fantastic CCTV system working 24/7, which they seem to be so proud of, a motorcyclist should be able to park their bike in any Westminster owned car park with complete peace of mind.
This is how we understand Westminster City Council's statement above, given that all their car parks have been given the safer car park award.
Were Westminster car parks given that award before someone found a motorbike laid down on the floor, after having been knocked over by a car? If Westminster's CCTV system (which is working 24/7) and their so well trained attendants were so efficient, this incident would have been dealt with straight away, instead of leaving the bike in this position and let the car driver get away with it.
Or could it be that the CCTV system in the Queensway car park is not fit for purpose and is the result of £15 million tax payers' money wasted by Councillor Chalkley (in charge of parking at Westminster City Council)? In another FOI request, we found out that Westminster City Council had no intention whatsoever to install security devices in underground car parks, although they have claimed for the past twelve months that the main reason for introducing a charge on motorcycle parking is specifically to fund the installation of security devices for motorbikes and scooters.
Below is an extract of the Council's response to an FOI request asking the date when security devices for bikes are due to be installed in underground car parks:- "There are no plans to introduce ground anchors or other types of security devices for PTWs (Powered Two Wheelers)".
So here we go, millions of pounds have been taken from motorcyclists to park their bike in Westminster, and yet the promised security devices, to be funded from the revenue generated by the bike parking tax, will not be installed.
The above statement is to be read together with what is actually said on the Council's website regarding security devices for motorbikes and scooters:- "We will continue to install security devices at dedicated motorcycle bays where appropriate and practicable".
Is this bike parking tax in the Borough of Westminster not a complete rip off?