West Virginia Federal Probation Laws
- Federal probation officers work with offenders to relate court expectations. The officer meets with the defendant in the office, at their home and sometimes, at work. The probation officer must supervise the defendant's compliance with court-ordered probation terms and conditions.
- Individuals under federal probation supervision must follow strict requirements. They may not possess guns or weapons, contact victims, associate with unsavory individuals or move or travel without permission. Additional terms are imposed according to the needs of the defendant. These can include: curfews, home arrest, treatment, work order hours and employment.
- If the probationer fails to abide by the expected requirements, the probation officer will file a petition to revoke probation. The offender will need to appear before the judge, who will determine a final sentence for the defendant, based on the input of the probation officer. Sanctions can include prison, treatment, longer supervision or community service hours.
Officer Responsibility