Good Ways to Start a Thesis Paragraph in an AP Essay
- Conceptualize clearly the argument you want to make. The thesis goes beyond a simple retelling of pertinent facts. It requires a deeper level of understanding, synthesis and analysis of these facts to generate your own opinion. Paraphrase, in a few simple sentences, what the essay prompt is asking. You may come up with a statement such as, “They want me to analyze the wicked witch of the east’s motives in 'The Wizard of Oz,'" or “They want me to agree or disagree with the idea that carbon-14 dating is a reliable scientific process.”
- Once you clearly understand what is being asked, take a position for which you feel you can make a strong argument. This position will likely support current thinking or offer another way of interpreting the facts. If, for example, you feel the wicked witch of the east saw herself as a victim and was acting based on this distorted belief, you are justified in disagreeing with a more traditional view that she was just an evil person. If you analyze her responses in light of modern psychological theories of criminal thinking, you could make a strong argument to support your point of view.
- Think about three or four of the strongest factual points supporting your position. The focus of a paper centered around a thesis is usually limited to proving your stated opinion with facts. By outlining your strongest points before you begin, you will remain within scope. The first paragraph of your thesis will set the stage for the thesis statement, which typically occurs in the last sentence of the first paragraph. By outlining your argument before you begin to write about it, your initial paragraph will be clear and specific and need less revision once you have completed your first draft.
- Begin with a statement orienting the reader to the subject at hand. If you are writing your thesis on carbon-14 dating, you will want to define this process succinctly. Use a sentence such as, “Scientists use carbon-14 dating to estimate how old organic materials are.” Add a sentence that clearly states the predominant viewpoint as in, “This versatile method has been used for approximately 70 years by archeologists, geologists and geophysicists who were trying to date organic substances such as wood, charcoal, fish skeletons, and bones.” Add a sentence that introduces the reader to your viewpoint like, “Although this branch of science has existed for a long time, estimates vary considerably.” Close the introductory paragraph by clearly stating your thesis with a sentence such as, “Although scientists are familiar with this process, errors inherent in these measurements suggest the use of carbon-14 dating to estimate the age of organic substances does more harm than good.”