Cholera in Haiti spreads to neighboring Countries
The death of cholera in Haiti has reached 1,000 peoples, it is quickly spreading towards the neighboring Countries, "The Wall Street Journal" reported on November 17.A a cholera patients has been found in the neighboring CountriesDominican Republic, it is only weeks away from the presidential election, in the sensitive moment, the tension in Haiti is continuously increasing. In many cities, anti-UN protests broke out in a few days ago. They condemned the UN peacekeeping force brought the Cholera to them.
Cholera patients were found in neighboring countries
Cholera has spread to 7 districts of 10 regions in Haiti. 1034 patients are confirmed dead and 16,779 people have been hospitalized. "There are more people infected with cholera, but they haven't been sent to hospital for medical treatment." Haitian officials said, on Nov.14.
Cholera epidemic is spreading to borders; the Ministry of Health of Dominican Republic confirmed that they had found the first cases of cholera patients. The Health Ministry said, "The sick man is a Haitian citizen who recently returned from Haiti to Dominican Republic"
The source of cholera
The Cholera protesters refuse the rescue operations of humanitarian organizations, which would lead to surge in the number of cholera patients within the next few weeks. The mobile clinics in remote rural areas reported that many suspected cases have been found in many areas. United Nations Laboratory, Haiti laboratory and Santo Domingo National Laboratory are looking for the original sample of cholera outbreak. It is said that a contingent of Nepalese police is the source of the cholera outbreak.
Anti-UN riots broke out in several cities
The second largest city of Haiti, Cap Haitien has begun to emerge turmoil. The news reported, hundreds of Haitians have been arrested for taking part in the demonstration. The protesters condemned the Nepal contingent of United Nations and peacekeeping troops brought cholera into Hait. However, this hypothesis has not been confirmed by hard evidence
Many protesters attacked the Nepalese contingent police in Cap Haitien, they have not only fired, but blocked the street. Protesters blocked roads with containers; the road to the airport has been effectively cut off. Even the Backpack Bagsof the peach keeping offices have been robbed. They also set up roadblocks with burning tires, blocking the entrance into Cap Haitien. The journalist took the Digital Camcorder, to record many pictures.
In Hinche North of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, protesters attacked the resident of United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, six peacekeeping soldiers were injured. The mob threw stones and Molotov cocktails to them. The United Nations humanitarian affairs office said they had mobilized peacekeeping force to prevent more violence occurs.
Protesters are organized with weapon
It is the sensitive moment for presidential election In Haiti on November 28th. It is only two weeks, but the tension situation caused by protest is worried.
"Protesters are organized and coordinated, they have weapons. For me, those people need to know they hindered us to fight against cholera with health sectors. What's the worst; they let the lives of Haitians in jeopardy." Nigel. Fisher, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said. He strongly condemned that the protesters impeded rescuers to prevent cholera epidemic, especially in the northern region of Haiti, where the cholera epidemic has developed rapidly.
Cholera patients were found in neighboring countries
Cholera has spread to 7 districts of 10 regions in Haiti. 1034 patients are confirmed dead and 16,779 people have been hospitalized. "There are more people infected with cholera, but they haven't been sent to hospital for medical treatment." Haitian officials said, on Nov.14.
Cholera epidemic is spreading to borders; the Ministry of Health of Dominican Republic confirmed that they had found the first cases of cholera patients. The Health Ministry said, "The sick man is a Haitian citizen who recently returned from Haiti to Dominican Republic"
The source of cholera
The Cholera protesters refuse the rescue operations of humanitarian organizations, which would lead to surge in the number of cholera patients within the next few weeks. The mobile clinics in remote rural areas reported that many suspected cases have been found in many areas. United Nations Laboratory, Haiti laboratory and Santo Domingo National Laboratory are looking for the original sample of cholera outbreak. It is said that a contingent of Nepalese police is the source of the cholera outbreak.
Anti-UN riots broke out in several cities
The second largest city of Haiti, Cap Haitien has begun to emerge turmoil. The news reported, hundreds of Haitians have been arrested for taking part in the demonstration. The protesters condemned the Nepal contingent of United Nations and peacekeeping troops brought cholera into Hait. However, this hypothesis has not been confirmed by hard evidence
Many protesters attacked the Nepalese contingent police in Cap Haitien, they have not only fired, but blocked the street. Protesters blocked roads with containers; the road to the airport has been effectively cut off. Even the Backpack Bagsof the peach keeping offices have been robbed. They also set up roadblocks with burning tires, blocking the entrance into Cap Haitien. The journalist took the Digital Camcorder, to record many pictures.
In Hinche North of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, protesters attacked the resident of United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, six peacekeeping soldiers were injured. The mob threw stones and Molotov cocktails to them. The United Nations humanitarian affairs office said they had mobilized peacekeeping force to prevent more violence occurs.
Protesters are organized with weapon
It is the sensitive moment for presidential election In Haiti on November 28th. It is only two weeks, but the tension situation caused by protest is worried.
"Protesters are organized and coordinated, they have weapons. For me, those people need to know they hindered us to fight against cholera with health sectors. What's the worst; they let the lives of Haitians in jeopardy." Nigel. Fisher, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said. He strongly condemned that the protesters impeded rescuers to prevent cholera epidemic, especially in the northern region of Haiti, where the cholera epidemic has developed rapidly.