Precisely What You Need To Know About Certified Diamonds
Before purchasing a diamond, you should expect to review a copy of its certification as proof that it has undergone an unprejudiced, proficient analysis.
Diamond certificates, also referred to as certs, as they are known in the diamond industry are issued by an accredited team of independent unbiased gemologists. The diamond's carat weight, dimensions (symmetry), cut, ( Cut grading's on a report are mainly for the round cut diamonds and may not be seen on all certificates.) clarity, and color are all closely scrutinized and evaluated by trained eyes using jeweler's tools. Along with all of these examinations are the diamonds polish, fluorescence and locations of the diamonds' inclusions. The final creation of the certificate is the opinions of the individual gemologists who examined and graded the stones. These grading's are according to the gemologist own subjective grading standards.
There are several well-known grading agencies in the United States and Europe having high reputations:
- Gemological Institute of America (GIA)
- American Gemological Society (AGS)
- European Gemological Laboratory (EGL)
- Diamond High Council (HRD, that is an abbreviation of the Dutch "Hoge Raad voor Diamant")
- International Gemological Institute (IGI)
- International Confederation of Jewelry, Silverware, Diamonds, Pearls, and Stones (CIBJO)
A diamond "Appraisal" and a "Certificate" are not the exact same thing. A certificate is created by an unbiased and independent lab such as listed above, where an appraisal can be created by any jeweler and be quite bias if she or he so chooses. It's recommended that Certificates be done every three years and appraisals be done every two years because of the reality that diamonds wear like anything else on the planet.
Theoretically speaking, an uncertified diamond is precisely the exact same as a certified diamond, except that it's missing the piece of paper with grading evidence. A non-certified diamond is not always superior or not as great as a certified one; the only difference is the fact that the non-certified diamond's grading isn't totally known. Moreover, any uncertified diamond can get certified by sending it to the GIA, EGL or AGS
Remarkably, there isn’t, at all times a price difference between certified and non-certified diamonds. The reason is easy; GIA only grades the stone’s quality; it doesn't appraise the diamond. Only a trustworthy and honest jeweler can appraise a diamond for you, as you currently know, you can do study online to discover what a diamond in the quality range you are searching for can cost this is a simple Google search and anybody can do that.
One might think there shouldn’t be a cost difference in between certified and uncertified diamonds, but sometimes a GIA certified diamond will sell for greater than an uncertified diamond, simply because the certificate assists customers in the procedure of verifying the quality they are paying for. GIA certification (as well as EGL and AGS certification) can also be used with insurance agencies to take out a policy to shield your diamond from loss or theft. Non-certified diamonds must first be certified before they can be insured, as the certificate lists all the distinctive traits of a diamond and acts like a diamond’s “birth certificate”, making it effortlessly recognizable if lost or stolen.