Doing DIY Car Care
Car Care Coolant Collaboration
If you and I were at a workshop learning about vehicles' antifreeze/coolant topic, my guess is that there would be a mass exit for the back of the room for a coffee refill. On the other hand, if you heard a personal story about how a family that lost their pet canine or feline because of massive liver failure from ingesting a liquid it spotted on the driveway or garage floor, you would stop talking and listen very intently.
Car care fluids in cars include a list that is often overlooked, namely antifreeze/coolant. Some will not cause a vehicle to break down right away, others, like the engine oil and antifreeze/coolant are not so forgiving. Until I became an independent dealer with a reputable car care products supplier, I was also not aware of my options. I grew up with using ethylene glycol in my vehicles, but have gratefully changed to a safer and more cost effective option, Propylene Glycol.
Ethylene glycol is easy to find in many stores, not much different than wine in a grocery store, which is unheard of in Canada by the way. The traditional antifreeze is known to have a sweet taste, Do Not Try It €" Please! Why? Calling 911 will not save you from this experiment; you may as well call the undertaker.
I received an inquiry from a customer who lost her personal canine friend due to just haveing a taste of a spill of antifreeze on her driveway. She probably had to top up her radiator so remembered where it came from. Taking it to the vet was not sufficient to keep it alive, it happened so quickly and painfully.
Pardon me for taking so much space on this but it is one of my passions to inform people of how serious this is. A positive substitute, Propylene Glycol antifreeze/coolant, is a solution that addresses a couple of car care issues. My source for the following information is from my Independent Amsoil Dealer web site €" and the most recent and informative retail catalog.
€Amsoil Propylene Glycol Antifreeze/Coolant combines the benefits of biodegradability, low toxicity and all-climate protection. It is safer for kids, pets and wildlife than ethylene glycol coolants. It offers protection for 1,207,000 kilometers/7yearsfor (over the road diesel trucks and 402,000 kilometers /7 years for gasoline vehicles, compatible with all other major antifreeze/coolant products. Some technical details may be of interest:
€Stops Leaks
Amsoil Antifreeze/Coolant adheres to metal. It self-seals welds and seams to help prevent leaks, without additional stop-leak products or additives.
Helps Prevent Metallic Corrosion
Independent tests reveal AMSOIL Antifreeze & Engine Coolant surpassed standards
for metallic corrosion. It plates metal to protect even when exposed to acids and
salt spray. Standard allowances for loss in aluminum and solder are less than 60 mg.
AMSOIL Antifreeze & Engine Coolant lost 0 mg in aluminum and less than 6 mg
in solder.
Standards for iron, steel, copper and brass allow a maximum loss of less than
20 mg. AMSOIL Antifreeze & Engine Coolant never exceeded a 3 mg loss in any of
those metals in a testing period that was run for 10 weeks, three weeks longer than
required tests.
The composition of this product is called €Propanediol€ and can be seen in the MSDS pages of the source web site. When it first became available the color was purple but has since change to yellow.
Now that you know what to look for and avoid in the antifreeze/coolant section, install into your new or used vehicle, you will enjoy the absence of anxiety on your next trip and while it is parked in your garage or drive way. Speaking of anxiety, while driving over the hills between Oregon and California, we stopped at a rest stop and noticed more than one can stopped with their hoods up. I picked one that looked interesting and asked if I could help. I knew I could because I had a small spare amount of Propylene Glycol. Approaching I saw the dad of the group starting to pour some water into the radiator. I interrupted him telling him that he was making a mistake because adding water only made the problem worse. Offering a portion of my Propylene Glycol he was grateful for the assistance and information.
Rudy Hiebert
September 22, 2011
If you and I were at a workshop learning about vehicles' antifreeze/coolant topic, my guess is that there would be a mass exit for the back of the room for a coffee refill. On the other hand, if you heard a personal story about how a family that lost their pet canine or feline because of massive liver failure from ingesting a liquid it spotted on the driveway or garage floor, you would stop talking and listen very intently.
Car care fluids in cars include a list that is often overlooked, namely antifreeze/coolant. Some will not cause a vehicle to break down right away, others, like the engine oil and antifreeze/coolant are not so forgiving. Until I became an independent dealer with a reputable car care products supplier, I was also not aware of my options. I grew up with using ethylene glycol in my vehicles, but have gratefully changed to a safer and more cost effective option, Propylene Glycol.
Ethylene glycol is easy to find in many stores, not much different than wine in a grocery store, which is unheard of in Canada by the way. The traditional antifreeze is known to have a sweet taste, Do Not Try It €" Please! Why? Calling 911 will not save you from this experiment; you may as well call the undertaker.
I received an inquiry from a customer who lost her personal canine friend due to just haveing a taste of a spill of antifreeze on her driveway. She probably had to top up her radiator so remembered where it came from. Taking it to the vet was not sufficient to keep it alive, it happened so quickly and painfully.
Pardon me for taking so much space on this but it is one of my passions to inform people of how serious this is. A positive substitute, Propylene Glycol antifreeze/coolant, is a solution that addresses a couple of car care issues. My source for the following information is from my Independent Amsoil Dealer web site €" and the most recent and informative retail catalog.
€Amsoil Propylene Glycol Antifreeze/Coolant combines the benefits of biodegradability, low toxicity and all-climate protection. It is safer for kids, pets and wildlife than ethylene glycol coolants. It offers protection for 1,207,000 kilometers/7yearsfor (over the road diesel trucks and 402,000 kilometers /7 years for gasoline vehicles, compatible with all other major antifreeze/coolant products. Some technical details may be of interest:
€Stops Leaks
Amsoil Antifreeze/Coolant adheres to metal. It self-seals welds and seams to help prevent leaks, without additional stop-leak products or additives.
Helps Prevent Metallic Corrosion
Independent tests reveal AMSOIL Antifreeze & Engine Coolant surpassed standards
for metallic corrosion. It plates metal to protect even when exposed to acids and
salt spray. Standard allowances for loss in aluminum and solder are less than 60 mg.
AMSOIL Antifreeze & Engine Coolant lost 0 mg in aluminum and less than 6 mg
in solder.
Standards for iron, steel, copper and brass allow a maximum loss of less than
20 mg. AMSOIL Antifreeze & Engine Coolant never exceeded a 3 mg loss in any of
those metals in a testing period that was run for 10 weeks, three weeks longer than
required tests.
The composition of this product is called €Propanediol€ and can be seen in the MSDS pages of the source web site. When it first became available the color was purple but has since change to yellow.
Now that you know what to look for and avoid in the antifreeze/coolant section, install into your new or used vehicle, you will enjoy the absence of anxiety on your next trip and while it is parked in your garage or drive way. Speaking of anxiety, while driving over the hills between Oregon and California, we stopped at a rest stop and noticed more than one can stopped with their hoods up. I picked one that looked interesting and asked if I could help. I knew I could because I had a small spare amount of Propylene Glycol. Approaching I saw the dad of the group starting to pour some water into the radiator. I interrupted him telling him that he was making a mistake because adding water only made the problem worse. Offering a portion of my Propylene Glycol he was grateful for the assistance and information.
Rudy Hiebert
September 22, 2011