Information on How to Build a Birdhouse
- 1). Cut out the pieces for the birdhouse from 1/2 inch, exterior grade plywood. Cut out the following pieces: 1 floor, a front, a back, 2 sides, 2 rail attachments, and 2 roof pieces, using these dimensions: Cut the floor 6 1/2 inches by 6 1/4 inches. Cut 2 sides 6 1/2 inches by 5 inches. Cut the rail attachments 6 1/2-inches long by 1/2-inch tall. Cut one roof 6 inches by 9 1/2 inches and cut the second roof 6 1/2 inches by 9 inches. Finally cut the front and back identically, in the shape of house, with a pointed roof. Cut these 2 pieces so the bottom measures 6 1/2 inches. Then measure from the center of this base up to the peak at 8 5/8 inches. For the sides, measure up from the base line 5 1/4 inches. Now use a straight edge and pencil to connect the top of this line to the center peak to create the cut lines for the slanted roof.
- 2). Drill a 1 1/2-diameter hole in the front piece. Drill it beneath the peak, about 3 inches down. Just beneath the hole, pre-drill a 1/4-inch hole for the dowel perch that will be inserted later.
- 3). Mount the attachment rails to the inside of the front and back pieces, flush with the base. Mount the rails centered along the bottom edge. Attach these pieces using waterproof glue and wood screws. Let the glue dry.
- 4). Attach the sides to the front and back pieces using waterproof glue and wood screws. Let the glue dry.
- 5). Attach the roof. First attach the 6 inch by 9 1/4 roof piece. Line it up perfectly with the peak. The roof will hang longer than the sides. The second roof piece is 6 1/2 inches because it overlaps and must cover the 1/2 width of plywood added by the first piece. Attach with waterproof glue and galvanized nails.
- 6). Turn the birdhouse upside down to attach the floor. Attach the floor using rust-resistant wood screws. Attach it to the attachment rails you previously attached to the front and back pieces. Do not use glue or nails for the floor. This is so you can remove the floor and clean out the house between seasons.
- 7). Sand the birdhouse to smooth out any rough edges. Sand the hole as well.
Insert the 6 1/2-inch dowel into the pre-drilled hole, securing it in place with glue. - 8). (Optionally) If you like, paint the birdhouse. If you paint, remember to paint only the outside, never the inside. Use 3 coats of a latex paint then finish it with a polyurethane coating to protect it. Note: Different birds prefer different colors. Research this for the species of bird you hope to attract. For instance, martins prefer white houses.