How to Uninstall the 3.6 Firefox Update
- 1). Open the Start menu by clicking the Windows logo in the bottom left portion of the screen. On certain computers, simply press the "Windows" key located on the keyboard. Click the link entitled "Control Panel" located on the right side of the Start menu.
- 2). Locate the "Programs" section of the Control Panel. Underneath the header, select the link entitled "Uninstall a Program" or "Add / Remove Programs." Microsoft's Uninstall or Change a Program utility will open within the same window.
- 3). Scroll down the list of installed programs until "Firefox 3.6" is located. Highlight Firefox 3.6 and then select "Uninstall" from the top of the utility. In the popup window, click "Next" through the following prompts to uninstall Firefox 3.6 from the computer.
- 4). Install the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. Visit Firefox's official webpage. Click "Free Download" to download the web browser's setup file onto the computer. Allow several minutes for the file to download onto the computer. Double click the downloaded file to install the latest version of Firefox onto the computer