Writer"s Websites - Publish to the World
While this is easily said, actually doing it is a different matter.
Get Your Name Out There! So, first step is to get your name and your work out there.
A great way to do this is to create a website for yourself.
At this point you may be saying, "I want to market my articles so I can make more money, not spend money on some expensive web designer.
" Well, there have been a lot of advances in web design technology in the past few years and there are now web design programs that can be used by pretty much anybody.
The technical level of using a word processor is about all you will need to use this type of software.
Now the better quality (don't go cheap!) programs should have in-built templates.
These template libraries were created by professional graphic designers, so you can rest assured that when you use this program, you're going to end up with a site that looks professional.
When you have a website, you don't have to worry about sending lots of different email attachments when you submit work to editors.
You can send along one or maybe two that are specifically targeted at the job you are after, and then add a link to your website so that if the editor likes your work, he or she can easily take a look at what else you've done.
This may seem like a small thing, and there are going to be times when the editor is busy and won't even bother looking at your site.
However sometimes an editor will be really captivated by your work, and will want to see more.
If you have your own website, this is an excellent opportunity to 'strut your stuff' and expand your business accordingly.
If you include testimonials on your site, it allows you to add comments about your work that you could not (in modesty) say yourself - so make sure you get some great testimonials.
You may end up a great success without a website, but considering the good it could do for your career, why go without?