How to Get Your Social Net to Work For You
Your social net is about developing friends, working your network, helping, sharing and making friends.
What do friends do? They help each other.
Some experts even say, you need to romance them.
So, how does this effect your business? For many social media or their net is not working as people find it a massive drain on their time and wondering what kind of results will I get if I did use Social Media? To me, it's like saying I want a guarantee before I venture out there.
Let me ask you what are you doing now? Your social net will work for you, when you work it by making friends and fans.
Do customers buy your product and ask for a guarantee before they buy? Do you write up a clause in your contracts - if you don't like the work you don't have to pay? No.
No one expects that to happen.
The best thing is to try one one or two applications, like Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter.
These are general applications.
Once you get the hang of it, then join other forums and groups.
How do you get your social net to work for you? 1.
Ask questions, answer other peoples' questions in forums or groups 2.
Engage the members by sharing an article or post or resource, not just to your site but to other things that are relevant to the groups needs.
Create a poll, publish it and let people know the results 4.
Put yourself out whether it online or offline, if you don't show up know one will have an opportunity to know and like you 5.
Start loving people, guide them, mentor them (we all know something to help someone else do things) 6.
How can you help someone else? Ask them.
Be your own friend and think about how you can be a friend for someone else 8.
Be positive and update your profile every 6 mos or when you have changes going on 9.
Be friendly, encourage others - we all could use more appreciation 10.
Share your ideas by writing articles, start a blog, participate in forums.
What do friends do? They help each other.
Some experts even say, you need to romance them.
So, how does this effect your business? For many social media or their net is not working as people find it a massive drain on their time and wondering what kind of results will I get if I did use Social Media? To me, it's like saying I want a guarantee before I venture out there.
Let me ask you what are you doing now? Your social net will work for you, when you work it by making friends and fans.
Do customers buy your product and ask for a guarantee before they buy? Do you write up a clause in your contracts - if you don't like the work you don't have to pay? No.
No one expects that to happen.
The best thing is to try one one or two applications, like Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter.
These are general applications.
Once you get the hang of it, then join other forums and groups.
How do you get your social net to work for you? 1.
Ask questions, answer other peoples' questions in forums or groups 2.
Engage the members by sharing an article or post or resource, not just to your site but to other things that are relevant to the groups needs.
Create a poll, publish it and let people know the results 4.
Put yourself out whether it online or offline, if you don't show up know one will have an opportunity to know and like you 5.
Start loving people, guide them, mentor them (we all know something to help someone else do things) 6.
How can you help someone else? Ask them.
Be your own friend and think about how you can be a friend for someone else 8.
Be positive and update your profile every 6 mos or when you have changes going on 9.
Be friendly, encourage others - we all could use more appreciation 10.
Share your ideas by writing articles, start a blog, participate in forums.