How Long to Keep a New Kitten in Seclusion
- Let your kitten adjust to its separate room for at least one day. Several days are safer. Put a litter box in the room, a water bowl and a food dish. Let the kitten investigate the room by itself so that it feels secure.
- Meanwhile, if you already have a cat, give it extra attention during this time. If your cat feels threatened, it may act aggressively toward the new kitten and they may never get along.
- After a few days, open the door to the kitten's room. Let the kitten explore by itself, and if you have another cat, let the cats find each other naturally. Never throw them together or force the situation. When your cat discovers the kitten, you should stand by and watch. If your cat looks like it will attack or chase the kitten, put the kitten back in the room and wait another day or another few days and try again.