What Is a Good Blood Pressure Range While Pregnant?
- Blood pressure readings between 90/60 and 140/90 are considered within normal range. This is the same for pregnant women and non-pregnant women.
- Hypotension is blood pressure lower than 90/60. Your provider may not be concerned if your blood pressure is a little lower than this, as long as you are not having other symptoms, such as dizziness and fatigue.
- Hypertension is blood pressure reading higher than 140/90. Your provider will be concerned if your blood pressure is higher than this, as it can be a warning sign for a condition known as preeclampsia, especially if it's accompanied by protein in your urine. Chronic hypertension during pregnancy could also cause low birth weight and premature labor.
- Preeclampsia is a serious diagnosis that can cause swelling and headaches. Preeclampsia can rapidly progress into eclampsia, which can cause seizers and lead to the death of the mother and baby. If preeclampsia is diagnosed, you will probably be ordered on bedrest and monitored closely.
- If you are over 35, have a history of high blood pressure, had preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy or are expecting multiples, you have a higher risk of developing hypertension during your pregnancy.
Normal Range
Preeclampsia & Eclampsia