What Can I Use to Wrap My Dog's Tail Up So She Does Not Chew on It?
- Your dog can bite her tail because she is bored or curious, or she could be letting your know there is an infection or pain that is causing her tail to itch. Check your dog for flea drippings or bites. Take your dog to a veterinarian to make sure she is not biting her tail because of pain, skin conditions or allergies, which according to the ASPCA website, could be the cause of this compulsive behavior. Before you try out any medications, consult with your veterinarian first.
- Wrap your dog's tail with a bandage if the chewing is caused by wounds or infections. Use the same type of bandage you would use to wrap your own foot or leg. If you don't have a bandage available, buy one from your dog's veterinarian, at a pet store or from any store that sells bandages. If you're feeling crafty, make your own. According to the website Leeburg.com, you can make your own bandage with elastic sticky tape and a piece of pipe insulation from your local hardware store. Make sure the bandage sticks to itself, and not your dog. Cover the bandage with an antibiotic your veterinarian has prescribed to heal your dog.
- According to the ASPCA, dogs often chew on tails out of boredom. Toys are great ways to keep your dog from being bored. Instead of buying a plastic chew toy, buy your dog a fake fur or plush dog, squirrel or cat tail. Wrap the loop of the fake tail around the end of your dog's real tail, and let her chew away. If you can't stop her bad habit immediately, give in just a little. Your dog will be fascinated with the tail attached to hers. Remember this is a temporary distraction. You will want to train your dog that chewing on her tail is wrong. Let her know it is wrong with simple verbal commands such as, "no" or "bad dog."
- Stop your dog from chewing on her tail by making the taste unbearable. Put a little tobacco sauce, cayenne pepper, bitter apple juice and other non-toxic foul tasting substances. If you don't want to place the substance directly on your dog's tail, coat a scarf or cloth of some time, then wrap that object around your dog's tail. This temporary remedy may stop your dog from chewing her tail, but other objects around the house aren't so safe. Give your dog a tasty treat to eat and again, use verbal commands to teach her not to chew on anything else in your house.
Health Issues
Fake Dog Tails
Non-Toxic Substances