Chinese Method of Weight Loss
If you're used to dieting the American way, the following guidelines may seem a little unusual to you.
Each relates to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles that have been practiced for thousands of years; We have not made these things up.
These guidelines have been firmly in place in Traditional Chinese Medicine medical texts for a very long time.
As you go through Traditional Chinese Medicine, you will gain a greater understanding for these guidelines and how they underpin all your new healing tools.
By the time you finish Traditional Chinese Medicine study course, I promise you will understand why following these guidelines can help you heal and how they contribute to true health.
Each relates to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles that have been practiced for thousands of years; We have not made these things up.
These guidelines have been firmly in place in Traditional Chinese Medicine medical texts for a very long time.
As you go through Traditional Chinese Medicine, you will gain a greater understanding for these guidelines and how they underpin all your new healing tools.
By the time you finish Traditional Chinese Medicine study course, I promise you will understand why following these guidelines can help you heal and how they contribute to true health.
- Avoid drinking cold fluids.
- If you are used to drinking a lot of water, please stop!
- Only drink room temperature water (never ice water) when you are thirsty.
- Eat only cooked vegetables.
- Avoid fried and barbecued foods.
- Eat only roasted or toasted walnuts, pine nuts, and cashews.
- Eat your heaviest foods only in the morning or early afternoon.
- Eat fruits for lunch and vegetables for dinner.
- Given the complexity of the digestive process, try to eat dinner before 7:00 or 8:00 P.
M. - Eat other fruits and vegetables, but try to stick to the list recommended by Traditional Chinese Medicinebecause they provide a greater healing benefit for weight loss.
- Digestion is a function of the whole body.
It applies to food, as well as emotions and spiritual aspects of the soul. - Try to process everything you put into your body in a calm, peaceful way.
- Follow Traditional Chinese Medicine Taste Record that provides you a way to understand more about how your body speaks to you about the need for certain foods.
You can use it during the food schedule to keep track of any specific food cravings, the time of day that they occur, your feelings or emotions at that time. - Food cravings are your body's way of getting attention and letting you know that a specific organ is out of balance.
These are not something about which you need to feel guilty, especially if you are a woman and this happens before or during your menstrual cycle.
You should be happy that this function is working. - Practice listening to your body and not your mind.
Keep eating the foods on the recommended list, practice Qigong, and avoid stress.