Save Money on an Off-Season Repositioning Cruise Vacation
With lower per-day prices and the utilitarian task of moving a ship, you might expect no-frills service on a repositioning cruise. Not so.
You'll get the same array of meals, entertainment and recreation that is available on standard trips. In fact, many repositioning cruises offer additional programs.
With all that extra time away from port, some lines design semi-annual events to entertain passengers.
For example, Crystal Cruise Line's 24-day repositioning cruise from Cape Town to Rome has featured a "Wine and Food Festival." Guest chefs and wine experts made at least part of the trip, lecturing and demonstrating their work.
Holland America recently offered a trip from Vancouver to Fort Lauderdale through the Panama Canal. A scholar joined the voyage to act as tour guide, explaining the history of the canal zone and workings of the locks.
Remember, these long voyages cost the cruise lines lots of money in fuel. They make the trip as attractive (and booked) as possible. In most cases, they succeed.
Repositioning cruises are no longer a budget travel "secret." They've become quite popular with seniors, who typically have more free time for these longer voyages.
It's best to start booking in summer for late fall repo cruises, and winter for spring repos. In fact, some people start even earlier. Those who don't get their first choices in the spring simply book the reverse trip for the fall.
You might encounter the same situation in autumn and simply book the return next spring.
Either way, many of these trips are a throwback to the times when people crossed the oceans without jet lag and many of the other burdens modern travel imposes. You can rest assured the trips will be relaxing, money saving, and far more fun than cleaning the garage twice a year.
More information: Shopping for a repositioning cruise.