How to Address the Golf Ball to Get the Best Golf Club Swing

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This article is addressing your golf swing setup. Simple and consistent.

In an earlier article I established that we recreational golfers prefer to have an ugly swing with good golf scores then the perfect golf swing with bad or mediocre golf scores.

Since we don't hit 1,000 golf balls daily, we need to have a swing that is repeatable. Something that when we do go golfing in our leagues or with family and/or friends we can hit the ball the same way every time. Also we want something that we can do without concentrating to hard and have decent golf club swing with decent golf scores.

We want to just get up, address the ball, take the club back, then go forward and hit the ball down the middle or wherever we want.

I have taken many lessons over the past years and have gotten good information from all but I cannot just use one persons swing. I have combined information from all of these professionals and developed my swing. My swing is pretty traditional but has a different look to the trained eye. I will never be a scratch golfer again but I will be able to maintain a 10 handicap or better.

Also, at age 65 I can still hit the ball 295 yards when I want to so I am doing pretty good. Look what has happened to Tiger and he was only out of professional golf for about six months. But for me I was out of golf completely for 10 years and do not have the golf swing I had when I was a 4 handicap. There are similarities but I have had to remake my golf swing in order to be competitive.

I am going to tell you how I have done it with a series of articles and with my blog. The blog info will be at the bottom or the article but first, the address.

I want you to start your golf club sequence by using a five iron. Put your feet even with your shoulders. Now take your feet and rotate them outward so that they point outboard about 30 degrees or what ever is comfortable. Do the same for both feet.

Bend your knees and back slightly, like you are ready to return a tennis serve, and point your knees out a little so that you are balanced.

Place the ball midpoint between your two feet. This is using the five, six & seven iron. When you go up in loft, you will move the ball towards your back foot about one ball for the 8, 9 irons plus the wedges. Recap. The 5, 6 and 7 irons are in the middle of your stance, the higher clubs (8 iron, 9 iron and wedges) you move back in your stance about one ball.

For the 2, 3 or 4 irons as well as the gap club and three metal or wood, you will move forward in your stance about one ball until you get to the driver where the ball will be placed even with your forward heel. I am experimenting with placing the ball even with my emblem on the left side of my shirt. You can try or just use your forward foot at the heel.

Now grab the five iron in your left or right hand, depending whether you are right or left handed, with the grip going across your palm and first joint of your fingers. Take the thumb and slightly overlap the club so that the vee formed by your thumb and first finger point towards your opposite shoulder. There are some that say the thumb should be placed down the shaft and others that say it should overlap a little. Pick one that is comfortable but I suggest you overlap the thumb just slightly.

Now we put the opposite hand on the club. There are three types of grips, use which ever is comfy, again I suggest using the pinky finger overlap between your first and second finders. But take your thumb and overlap slightly again forming a vee that points to that hands shoulder. Now you have your address with both hands overlapping the golf grip and pointing towards your shoulder.

Here there are two schools of thought. Grip the club firmly or loosely. I am experimenting with the loose grip but right now I use the firm grip. So right now I tell you that the firm grip would be the best. With firm, using a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being a stranglers grip, I would grip to a 4 or 5. You will see why when I get to the swing. But for now and until you find my next article use the information about the grip and play or practice your swing.

Use this article for those of you still struggling trying to find the proper golf grip. We hear so much dis-information that it is hard to decide which one to use. Use this, it is the best way to do it.

Using this golf grip information and the info on where the ball is located in your stance with the club you are using, should help you have better contact with the ball.
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