Seven Top Tips to Drive Safely During Autumn Excursion Challenges
- Drive carefully as pedestrians walk along: With the onset of fall, students are back to their schools and most adults are on their way for their work and business as usual. The roads are crowded with students, especially, near the schools and colleges and with adults near the corporate areas. This means that you should be careful and watch out for school buses and students crossing the streets. Ensure that you maintain correct, safe distance and abide traffic rules. Keep an eye out for the kids playing and walking on the streets. A bit of extra attention and can prevent accidents, save lives, and keep you away from traffic tickets.
- Watch out fallen leaves: Often, fallen wet leaves make roads slippery and mask certain hazards such as potholes. So whenever you come across lots of wet leaves on the road, it is safer to proceed the journey carefully. If it's a dry fall in your area, make sure that you park your car away from the piles of dry leaves otherwise the car's catalytic converter could ignite a fire by using the fallen, dry leaves as tinder.
- Check the tire pressure regularly: Often, temperatures rise and fall during the autumn. These changes in the temperature cause the car tires to expand and contract which can result in the loss of air pressure. It is better to check your car tires regularly in order to ensure that they are inflated appropriately. Refer to the car's manual to know the proper air pressure necessary for car's tires.
- Watch out for the frost: The temperature can drop below 32 degrees F, even if it's autumn. You may find frost covering your car's windows in the morning. Before you head out, ensure that you scrape the car's windows so that you have a clear view. It is safer to reduce the speed of your car and maintain greater distance than usual when the frost is observed on the road, as it makes the road surface more slippery.
- Beat reduced vision: As days turn shorter in the fall, you might find driving during sunrise and sunset difficult. It is better to keep a pair of sunglasses in your van to have good vision, as sun glare can reduce your vision during the sunrise. As this season progresses, the sun sets earlier making it dark as you drive back to home. Ensure that your car lights are working in order and be more careful to other travelers. Learning defensive driving course at an efficient school, such as San Bernardino traffic school, can help you beat reduced vision effectively when driving.
- Be careful when roads are wet: It can even rain during the autumn in several US regions so ensure that your windshield wipers are functioning properly, before it rains heavily. If you find it difficult to proceed in a downpour, it is better to pull over and wait for the weather conditions to improve before you resume your journey. Use low beams and maintain safe distance between other vehicles on the road, if it's foggy.
- Watch out for animals: Migrating animals, such as deer, elk, and other animals, may cross the streets unexpectedly at any time of the day. Pay attention to €deer crossing signs€. If you come across an animal all of a sudden when driving, avoid the collision. If it's possible, come to a safe, controlled stop and let the animal pass.
If you follow these seven safety tips when driving in autumn, you can successfully prevent the occurrence of roadside hazards. Learn complete driving course with San Bernardino traffic school to hone your driving skills and enjoy driving in pleasant autumn to the fullest.