Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech was always interconnected with politics. Since ancient times when first stable political currents appeared, people were longing to express their opinions and points of view. The prohibitions were everywhere and the term "freedom", not even "freedom of speech" was abstract even for the power holders that were even more dependant than their hairs. After the foundation of first republics people got to learn the principles of democracy from ancient Greeks, where the freedom of speech was highly appreciated on the Forum, where famous orators performed. People always longed to be free of any obligations and formalities, built up by a state, but even now there are limits to the freedom given to mass media that are considered the speakers of the public. Censure exists in every country and checks the material starting from a Hollywood production and winding up with a comparison essay of a teenager. Even a regular check up of a comparison and contrast essay by a teacher can be considered a censure. A comparison essay topic also may become a point of concern if there is a detail that is improper, that does not follow the regular scheme. Therefore writing a comparison essay students should take into account the general principles and ideas expressed by a tutor.
If even writing a comparison and contrast essay can turn into such a problem, then what can we say about serious articles in world wide popular magazines? Some journalists and politicians consider censure to be illegal and try to limit the censure percentage. According to the last data provided by CNN, the level of censure varies from 80% till 10% depending on the level of prosperity and political situation in the country. Freedom of speech is just a formality in countries where the communist party is the only political force in power. Everything that is opposing to the main ides and principles of the party is blocked by censure. But in the developed countries of the west of Europe it is easy to pass the censure and provide the information for publishing or issuing. Censure now covers only items and matters that contain strong language, provocations, violence and other things that influence the outlook of the citizens. Therefore we can make a conclusion that freedom of speech still reaming abstract and that is for greater good and order.