Easy Way to Build a Webstore Or Ecommerce Website For Beginners
Thinking of setting up a Webstore? The good news is making an Ecommerce website or Webstore is easy and inexpensive.
I have created my own webstore with no difficulty, yet, I am not a web designer or an IT person.
All I use was simply a product or software that I bought from the net.
If you are like me with limited or no web design knowledge than this is the program for you.
For those who are knowledgeable, you can still use this software because it really saves you lots of time creating your own webstore.
With a Webstore you can sell many things or create a theme around your niche.
This will help to supplement some extra income from your day job to pay for monthly bills.
Well, this is just a start, if you become very good at it, you could probably make a living making money from the internet.
First, you need to find out what your passion is.
You build a store targeting your interest.
With interest in place, you can start building your store.
For example: a golf store, a bookstore, a hobby store, a fashion store, a jewellery store, a toy store, a pet product store, a video, camera, music, mobile phone store etc...
I could probably go on and on about different Webstore.
If I can do it so can you.
It is human nature that if one is excited about something and action is not taken now, then it will probably never happen.
The best advice is to stay focus and focus on your goal.
Think of big item that you always dream of like a mansion, a Ferrari, paying off your mortgage etc...
Let's get started.
Tools and equipment : computer and internet connection Steps to building a Webstore: 1.
Domain 2.
Hosting Account 3.
Program or software The program I use to build my store is located at the bottom of my home page.
Go ahead and have a sneak peek at the software.
They have excellent support system in place.
Excellent step by step instruction, almost leading you by the hand.
There are many website templates to choose from.
Check out my webstore for an idea.
After building your store you need the whole world to know.
How do you do this? The answer is the Magic Of Advertising.
That's how you get customers to come to your store.
Advertising can be through Google, Yahoo, MSN, tell a friend, email, off-line, article writing etc.
To do this, you can either key into Google search to look for free or bought information on how to generate traffic to your website.
There should be plenty, and if you are really serious about getting traffic then perhaps buying traffic information or courses is the way to go.
There is nothing to lose but gain by setting up a Webstore.
The end result is web knowledge, excitement, fulfillment and also some extra income.
As time progresses, you might have more ideas to put into your website or create a few stores with different niches.
And if you do that you could make more money a lot quicker.
I have created my own webstore with no difficulty, yet, I am not a web designer or an IT person.
All I use was simply a product or software that I bought from the net.
If you are like me with limited or no web design knowledge than this is the program for you.
For those who are knowledgeable, you can still use this software because it really saves you lots of time creating your own webstore.
With a Webstore you can sell many things or create a theme around your niche.
This will help to supplement some extra income from your day job to pay for monthly bills.
Well, this is just a start, if you become very good at it, you could probably make a living making money from the internet.
First, you need to find out what your passion is.
You build a store targeting your interest.
With interest in place, you can start building your store.
For example: a golf store, a bookstore, a hobby store, a fashion store, a jewellery store, a toy store, a pet product store, a video, camera, music, mobile phone store etc...
I could probably go on and on about different Webstore.
If I can do it so can you.
It is human nature that if one is excited about something and action is not taken now, then it will probably never happen.
The best advice is to stay focus and focus on your goal.
Think of big item that you always dream of like a mansion, a Ferrari, paying off your mortgage etc...
Let's get started.
Tools and equipment : computer and internet connection Steps to building a Webstore: 1.
Domain 2.
Hosting Account 3.
Program or software The program I use to build my store is located at the bottom of my home page.
Go ahead and have a sneak peek at the software.
They have excellent support system in place.
Excellent step by step instruction, almost leading you by the hand.
There are many website templates to choose from.
Check out my webstore for an idea.
After building your store you need the whole world to know.
How do you do this? The answer is the Magic Of Advertising.
That's how you get customers to come to your store.
Advertising can be through Google, Yahoo, MSN, tell a friend, email, off-line, article writing etc.
To do this, you can either key into Google search to look for free or bought information on how to generate traffic to your website.
There should be plenty, and if you are really serious about getting traffic then perhaps buying traffic information or courses is the way to go.
There is nothing to lose but gain by setting up a Webstore.
The end result is web knowledge, excitement, fulfillment and also some extra income.
As time progresses, you might have more ideas to put into your website or create a few stores with different niches.
And if you do that you could make more money a lot quicker.