Why You Should Think Twice Before You Use A Buddy Pass For Travel
As an employee of a commerical airline, you get to travel around US for free and around the world for less than $150 per destination. If you travel in the US there is no cost to you as an employee. However, If you travel outside of the country you will pay the taxes and fees required of that country and in most cases that cost is around $100-$150 round trip.
Almost 90% percent of the time an employee gets a first class or business class seat on international flights. However, traveling in the US is more difficult to get First or Business Class seats due to the large number business men/women traveling in the US.
The biggest perk of working for a major airline is the free or discounted travel. Along with the perk an employee is given 6-8 Buddy Passes, to give to anyone he/she chooses. The passes can be use to travel anywhere that airline flies too. However, there is a catch; At NO Time should an employee sell a Buddy Pass. A Buddy Pass cost an employee zero dollars. So if you are buying them you are helping that employee violate that airline policy.
If you are lucky enough to get a buddy pass, use it for international travel. You have a very good chance of getting First Class seat because most peolple cannot afford a First Class international seat on any airline. A $3000.00 First Class seat will cost under $600 on a Buddy Pass; and that for the taxes fees.
But here is something you must be aware of; seating for an employee is based on availablity and senority. If there is an employee that has an employment start date of 5/1/2010 and another employee is 5/1/2009 well the person with the longer tenure gets the seat and so will his/her Buddy Pass riders. If there are 2 Buddy Pass Riders trying to get on the same filght but one has a pass from an employee who has been there the longest well that person gets that seat.
If you have had a Buddy Pass before chances are you paid something for that pass, sometimes you are only charged the taxes by that employee. However, before you take another Buddy Pass, make sure your plans are flexable becuase the is no guarantee you will get on that flight.
As a Buddy Pass rider if you are not allowed on the flight due to the lack of seating availability; don't argue or pitch a fit because you will cause that employee to be termanated with no question asked.
Almost 90% percent of the time an employee gets a first class or business class seat on international flights. However, traveling in the US is more difficult to get First or Business Class seats due to the large number business men/women traveling in the US.
The biggest perk of working for a major airline is the free or discounted travel. Along with the perk an employee is given 6-8 Buddy Passes, to give to anyone he/she chooses. The passes can be use to travel anywhere that airline flies too. However, there is a catch; At NO Time should an employee sell a Buddy Pass. A Buddy Pass cost an employee zero dollars. So if you are buying them you are helping that employee violate that airline policy.
If you are lucky enough to get a buddy pass, use it for international travel. You have a very good chance of getting First Class seat because most peolple cannot afford a First Class international seat on any airline. A $3000.00 First Class seat will cost under $600 on a Buddy Pass; and that for the taxes fees.
But here is something you must be aware of; seating for an employee is based on availablity and senority. If there is an employee that has an employment start date of 5/1/2010 and another employee is 5/1/2009 well the person with the longer tenure gets the seat and so will his/her Buddy Pass riders. If there are 2 Buddy Pass Riders trying to get on the same filght but one has a pass from an employee who has been there the longest well that person gets that seat.
If you have had a Buddy Pass before chances are you paid something for that pass, sometimes you are only charged the taxes by that employee. However, before you take another Buddy Pass, make sure your plans are flexable becuase the is no guarantee you will get on that flight.
As a Buddy Pass rider if you are not allowed on the flight due to the lack of seating availability; don't argue or pitch a fit because you will cause that employee to be termanated with no question asked.