Are You Burdened by Too Much Credit Card Debt? Considering Bankruptcy? Think Again
Debt burden is one of them.
Too much credit card debt is one very common example of over extending expenses.
If circumstances change suddenly like illness, unemployment, redundancy or economic crisis in country then excessive debt is the first thing that disturbs your well being.
There are many options for those who are burdened by too much debt to remove their debts legally.
Debt elimination helps you to start your financial state of affairs over.
Debt counseling, Debt settlement negotiations, debt consolidation are some of the options that can bring relief if you are drowning in excessive debt and are unable to make your minimum monthly payments.
You can also consider liquidating your assets and removing your debt legally.
Bankruptcy laws are meant to help the victims of unexpected circumstances to start afresh.
You might have countless honest reasons for considering bankruptcy but have you thought of the life after bankruptcy.
Taking time to think about some of the following aspects of bankruptcy you will find debt settlements to be the best way obtaining debt relief.
Consider debt counseling, think twice and make a careful choice.
1)Increased number of bankruptcy cases in recent past has lead government to bring in new laws that are making difficult for individuals as well as business more difficult to qualify for legal proceedings.
2)Operating in today's economy requires one to have good credit report.
Filing bankruptcy has a negative result on credit report making it difficult for you to obtain secured or unsecured loans.
You cannot take up certain jobs that require financial responsibility.
3)Bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for as long as ten years.
Unless you are very lucky you are not eligible for obtaining new credit for a long term.
If you keep waiting till bankruptcy is removed from your credit report you might miss lots of opportunities to improvise your financial stability.
4)In many countries there are laws that a person who has filed bankruptcy must abide by.
These laws state that if you have filed bankruptcy you cannot manage business.
It is illegal if you work in a company that is run or controlled by a relative.
You may also need to leave your present job, if it is family operated or family owned business.
5)After bankruptcy if you obtain credit it is usually with very high interest rate.
With good credit you have the leverage to negotiate on interest rates with your creditors which is not the case with having bankruptcy on your credit report.
True, bankruptcy does not end your life but it gives you a tough time and you must be prepared for it.
So if you are burdened by too much debt and considering bankruptcy.
Think again and go for debt settlements.