Tips and Sources for Shopping for Kids
Looking for tips and tools to make you a better shopper for your kids? Find information to help you shop smarter for your kids' needs, both online and offline. Find retailers' sites that address children and youth products and services.
1. Before You Buy Children's Toys
You can shop the Net in two ways to save time and money on your toy purchases. Check out the shopping advice of About Parenting Guide Kimberly Keith before you hit that online shopping site.More »2. The Family Organizer
Is your day planner or Palm Pilot just not enough to keep track of your busy family? Check out the Family Organizer by Amy Knapp and see how to really plan and keep track of family activities and events.More »3. Gap Kids
The online retailing outlet for the Gap stores. Find cool and popular clothes for your kids online. Too bad they don’t come in dad-sized versions!More »4. Kids' Toy and Gift Guide
About Parenting Guide Kimberly Keith has researched lots of online shopping products for your elementary age children. Explore her expert recommendations for products like arts and crafts, games, video games, and musical toys.More »