How to Get Mareep in "Pokemon FireRed"
- 1). Visit a Wonder Spot. A Wonder Spot is a device that transmits a wireless signal to "Pokemon" games so that players can receive promotional items. Wonder Spots are often present at special Pokemon Center retail stores or at specific Pokemon events that tour across North America, Europe and Japan.
- 2). Load your "Pokemon FireRed" save file in the vicinity of a Wonder Spot and visit any Pokemart in the game. You should notice a piece of paper sitting on the checkout counter. This is the questionnaire form.
- 3). Fill out the questionnaire and put "Link Together With All" as your response. The shopkeeper will then give you access to the Mystery Gift System.
- 4). Select the "Wonder Gift" from the Mystery Gift System.
- 5). Visit any Pokemon Center in the game and talk to the person in the green hat to receive the Aurora Ticket. After you obtain the Aurora Ticket, you will be able to find the Pokemon Mareep in the Altering Cave.
- 6). Head to the Altering Cave. To get to the Altering Cave, take the Green Path through Pattern Bush. Exit Pattern Bush by heading to the southwest corner, and then use a Pokemon with the Surf ability to head north across the water. After you pass the Outcast Islands, you'll come to a cave with a member of Team Rocket standing outside. This is the Altering Cave.
- 7). Enter and explore the Altering Cave and try to get in as many random Pokemon encounters as possible. Eventually you should encounter a Mareep, which is an electric-type Pokemon that looks like a sheep. It's a good idea to use a rock-type Pokemon to capture Mareep since it is strong against electric types. Once you have lowered Mareep's health substantially, you can use a Pokeball to capture it.