Important Factors that Make Compositing a Complete Technique
Photographic Patterns: Patterns in photography play a major part. Shooting the subject perfectly is alright, but shooting in the right pattern creates a different look. Overall appearance of the final product can be enhanced using the right kind of pattern. Best example would be clicking picture of the school with routine activities of students in the frame. A picture of only a school-building in the frame will not be as attractive as compared to a picture with the students in it.
Texture of Subject: Texture is quite vital in terms of creating detailed pictures. With adjustment in lighting and camera position, the real texture of the object can be projected easily. Projection of actual texture of the object gives detailed and real look to the picture.
Color Tone: Choosing right color tone is really important in compositing. Shading of picture mainly revolves around light against dark or dark against light. Outcome of the composition depends upon how well the tone is being set.
Symmetry: Symmetry ensures that lighting, colors and backgrounds compliment the subject. Wrong combination of mentioned things can break the soul of the whole creation.
Depiction of Subject: Focus on the subject ensures the perfect depiction of the subject. In a scenario when there are multiple subjects in a frame, the focus should remain on the prime subject to be captured.
Lighting: Having a set of good lights in the photography kit always help, but a smart light source selection is must for getting good projections. Choosing best lighting for outdoor shoots takes quality of the pictures to a whole new level.
These are few basic aspects that matters photography. In professional photography, these aspects carry a huge weight. However in home photography, there are tools that can fill-in for lack of professional tricks. You can easily make studio of your own using DIY green screen kit. The green screen software program helps both professional and amateur user in compositing and editing.