Why Network Marketing Online Is The ONLY Way To Spend Your Time

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Do not spend any time calling your friends and relatives! Throw away your cold calling prospect lists. The only way to spend your time building your mlm business today is to do network marketing online.

Here's why.

1. Using the internet is The best way to prospect and sort through qualified candidates. You literally can have thousands of people look at your business opportunity every day. You personally could never contact that many people, and you shouldn't have to.

The Internet can sort through candidates and help you identify people that are worthy of your time. This is simply done by promoting a landing page where people can give you their contact information.

The best way to do this is to only ask your website visitor for their name and email address. Offer them a freebie that would make them want to give you their contact information.

Once they filled out the sign up form their name and email address is added to your auto responder for e-mail follow up. Preprogram your autoresponder with a series of email messages designed to develop relationships and educate people about your network marketing business.

In every message give people an opportunity to email you if they would like to be followed up with on a personal level. This is a good time to get their telephone number or their Skype name.

Skype is a great instant messaging service that also offers you the opportunity to talk with anyone worldwide via telephone online. The service is free and only requires a microphone and speakers.

Using this process you spend the majority of your time simply promoting your landing page and collecting contact information. Once a person has filled out the form you can redirect them to your personal blog where you begin to brand yourself as an expert on network marketing.

Can you see how you could benefit from doing it this way? This is a very hands off approach to doing network marketing online. You only deal with serious people this way which allow you to enjoy your life a little bit more.

This is rejection free prospecting and a great way to build your network marketing business.It's also an excellent way to teach your down line to duplicate what you are doing.

Anyone can do network marketing online this way. It's just a matter of working hard to promote the landing page and following up with people who contact you for more information on your network marketing business.
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