Mesothelioma Expert Information That Can Save Your Life
Of the many different cancers that afflict thousands in the United States and the rest of the world, one of the most potent and common is mesothelioma.
This form of cancer arises from asbestos exposure and cancer cells can transform into a malignant state when the protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs is affected.
The cancer usually affects the pleura, which is really the outer lining of the lung tissue.
From here, it can spread to the inner wall of the chest.
Sometimes it also rears its ugly head in the peritoneum which is the inner cavity of the abdominal muscle.
In some cases, the mallady has also been detected in the heart muscle, precisely in the pericardium.
Origins There has been a lot of research conducted on the origins of mesothelioma.
Most researchers are in agreement that there is an obvious co-relation between the disease and exposure to asbestos.
This explains why miners are prone to the illness.
Asbestos particles and dust fibers are usually the main culprits.
There has also been cases where people who contracted the cancer not because they themselves were exposed but simply because of handling clothing that belonged to an exposed person.
There have been questions as to whether mesothelioma can be contracted through smoking.
Research has dispelled this rumour as untrue.
Examining symptoms Since mesothelioma afflicts the lungs, one obvious symptom is shortness of breath.
This is brought about by the accumulation of pleural fluid which occurs between the lung tissue and the chest wall.
This tends to displace the lungs causing a feeling of "wooziness".
Sometimes this can be accompanied by chest pain.
Other general symptoms include abnormal weight loss.
Diagnosis Usually when mesothelioma is suspected, the patient is usually booked for a CT Scan and a chest x-ray.
If these are inconclusive then a biopsy may be ordered.
This involves getting a tissue sample which is then sent to a laboratory for more intense scrutiny.
In other cases, a doctor may order a thoracoscopy.
This is a high-tech procedure which invoves inserting a tube with a camera into the chest cavity.
This then beams high-resolution images back to a computer workstation.
The doctor may also decide to introduce talc, a substance used to obliterate the pleural space.
This in turn prevents more fluid from accumulating and causing more pressure to be exerted on the lung tissue.
If it advances, a doctor may enter into the next phase of treatment which is radiation therapy and even surgery.
This form of cancer arises from asbestos exposure and cancer cells can transform into a malignant state when the protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs is affected.
The cancer usually affects the pleura, which is really the outer lining of the lung tissue.
From here, it can spread to the inner wall of the chest.
Sometimes it also rears its ugly head in the peritoneum which is the inner cavity of the abdominal muscle.
In some cases, the mallady has also been detected in the heart muscle, precisely in the pericardium.
Origins There has been a lot of research conducted on the origins of mesothelioma.
Most researchers are in agreement that there is an obvious co-relation between the disease and exposure to asbestos.
This explains why miners are prone to the illness.
Asbestos particles and dust fibers are usually the main culprits.
There has also been cases where people who contracted the cancer not because they themselves were exposed but simply because of handling clothing that belonged to an exposed person.
There have been questions as to whether mesothelioma can be contracted through smoking.
Research has dispelled this rumour as untrue.
Examining symptoms Since mesothelioma afflicts the lungs, one obvious symptom is shortness of breath.
This is brought about by the accumulation of pleural fluid which occurs between the lung tissue and the chest wall.
This tends to displace the lungs causing a feeling of "wooziness".
Sometimes this can be accompanied by chest pain.
Other general symptoms include abnormal weight loss.
Diagnosis Usually when mesothelioma is suspected, the patient is usually booked for a CT Scan and a chest x-ray.
If these are inconclusive then a biopsy may be ordered.
This involves getting a tissue sample which is then sent to a laboratory for more intense scrutiny.
In other cases, a doctor may order a thoracoscopy.
This is a high-tech procedure which invoves inserting a tube with a camera into the chest cavity.
This then beams high-resolution images back to a computer workstation.
The doctor may also decide to introduce talc, a substance used to obliterate the pleural space.
This in turn prevents more fluid from accumulating and causing more pressure to be exerted on the lung tissue.
If it advances, a doctor may enter into the next phase of treatment which is radiation therapy and even surgery.