Choosing Comprehensive Car Insurance
You've gotten a letter through your door, slipped your finger beneath the flap, and opened it up.
When you pull it from its envelope you find that it is a letter from a car insurance firm, inquiring if you would like to buy comprehensive car insurance with their company.
And now you are lost.
What is comprehensive car insurance? Is it any different from your current policy? Is it really worth switching? This article will help you understand it a little better.
Comprehensive is the most expensive, but also the most complete policy that you as a driver are able to get.
Every company offers three main policies, from third person car insurance to comprehensive.
But not every company offers the same type of comprehensive car insurance coverage.
Firstly, the basic features of comprehensive coverage are that you, as a driver, will be covered against injuring or damaging the property of somebody else, just as with a third person policy.
Secondly, this type of policy offers coverage against theft or fire of your car.
These are usually some of the benefits and extra features offered in a third party fire and theft policy.
Lastly, the extra basic feature included in comprehensive policies is that you are insured against damage incurred on your own car.
Each company offers other individual features with comprehensive coverage.
There are companies which also offer you cover against any items which may be stolen from your car, as well as offer you insurance on your medical bills if you are injured during a car accident.
But as a consumer you will have to look closely at your comprehensive policy to see if these are included.
Now the most important question of them all comes into play.
Do I need comprehensive coverage? The answer might not be that simple as it is usually dependent upon many variables, but here are few that can help you decide.
If your car is an old vehicle running on its last legs, it probably would not be a wise decision to add extra coverage.
If you plan to buy a new car in the near future you should take the extra money that you would have spent on a comprehensive car insurance policy and put it towards the car.
Now on the other hand if you have just purchased a new vehicle and it is one of those cars that are usually targeted for theft or otherwise, it would be a wise choice to carry complete coverage.
Having a comprehensive car policy is also usually a requirement in order to obtain auto financing as well.
Overall, comprehensive car insurance is the most fully rounded form of car insurance that you are able to buy and though it is also the most expensive, it is usually the best type of policy to have if you can afford it.
When you pull it from its envelope you find that it is a letter from a car insurance firm, inquiring if you would like to buy comprehensive car insurance with their company.
And now you are lost.
What is comprehensive car insurance? Is it any different from your current policy? Is it really worth switching? This article will help you understand it a little better.
Comprehensive is the most expensive, but also the most complete policy that you as a driver are able to get.
Every company offers three main policies, from third person car insurance to comprehensive.
But not every company offers the same type of comprehensive car insurance coverage.
Firstly, the basic features of comprehensive coverage are that you, as a driver, will be covered against injuring or damaging the property of somebody else, just as with a third person policy.
Secondly, this type of policy offers coverage against theft or fire of your car.
These are usually some of the benefits and extra features offered in a third party fire and theft policy.
Lastly, the extra basic feature included in comprehensive policies is that you are insured against damage incurred on your own car.
Each company offers other individual features with comprehensive coverage.
There are companies which also offer you cover against any items which may be stolen from your car, as well as offer you insurance on your medical bills if you are injured during a car accident.
But as a consumer you will have to look closely at your comprehensive policy to see if these are included.
Now the most important question of them all comes into play.
Do I need comprehensive coverage? The answer might not be that simple as it is usually dependent upon many variables, but here are few that can help you decide.
If your car is an old vehicle running on its last legs, it probably would not be a wise decision to add extra coverage.
If you plan to buy a new car in the near future you should take the extra money that you would have spent on a comprehensive car insurance policy and put it towards the car.
Now on the other hand if you have just purchased a new vehicle and it is one of those cars that are usually targeted for theft or otherwise, it would be a wise choice to carry complete coverage.
Having a comprehensive car policy is also usually a requirement in order to obtain auto financing as well.
Overall, comprehensive car insurance is the most fully rounded form of car insurance that you are able to buy and though it is also the most expensive, it is usually the best type of policy to have if you can afford it.