The Box Launched At Zero-Hour
At Zero-Hour, Microsoft unleashed their latest next gen console, the XBOX 360, Formerly known as Xenon or XBOX 2.
This has been expected to and will revolutionize gaming with it's stunning features such as: Ring of Light and Xbox Guide Button Xbox Live Xbox Live Marketplace Digital Entertainment -- Rip music off hard drive and plays music from mp3 players via USB 2.
0 Personalize your console -- It allows you to literally change it's faces/skins.
And much more...
To celebrate the momentous occasion, Microsoft organized Zero Hour, a gamer-centric event held in Palmdale, California.
Microsoft had organised registrations, etc.
The result, miraculous.
Over three thousand (3000) game lovers from all over The United States of america had showed up.
This was surely for one thing..
To get their hands on the latest and best yet gaming console by microsoft.
Even with all the free tattoos, complimentary massages, and stage demonstrations from industry luminaries that Microsoft set up to keep the guests entertained, the most exciting portion of the near 30 hours was the moment that the first gamers, The real gamers, The hardcore gamers, And the down-to-earth gamers--got their hands on the Xbox 360.
"We've only gotten about 10 hours of sleep in the last week," stated Bedwilder, clearly showing the strains of his gaming devotion and passion for his job.
This passion and devotion has made it a success.
All in all this was a great experience and had really changed my views on the XBOX 360.
This has been expected to and will revolutionize gaming with it's stunning features such as: Ring of Light and Xbox Guide Button Xbox Live Xbox Live Marketplace Digital Entertainment -- Rip music off hard drive and plays music from mp3 players via USB 2.
0 Personalize your console -- It allows you to literally change it's faces/skins.
And much more...
To celebrate the momentous occasion, Microsoft organized Zero Hour, a gamer-centric event held in Palmdale, California.
Microsoft had organised registrations, etc.
The result, miraculous.
Over three thousand (3000) game lovers from all over The United States of america had showed up.
This was surely for one thing..
To get their hands on the latest and best yet gaming console by microsoft.
Even with all the free tattoos, complimentary massages, and stage demonstrations from industry luminaries that Microsoft set up to keep the guests entertained, the most exciting portion of the near 30 hours was the moment that the first gamers, The real gamers, The hardcore gamers, And the down-to-earth gamers--got their hands on the Xbox 360.
"We've only gotten about 10 hours of sleep in the last week," stated Bedwilder, clearly showing the strains of his gaming devotion and passion for his job.
This passion and devotion has made it a success.
All in all this was a great experience and had really changed my views on the XBOX 360.