Your Child and the Problem of Bed Wetting
Usually, children stop wetting their bed, when they are around three years of age.
But, some children above 3 years are also prone to wet the bed.
In medical terminology it is known as Nocturnal Enuresis.
According to experts, one out of five in the five-year-old age group; five per cent of children aged ten and one per cent among 15 years old wet the bed.
Reasons for Bed Wetting Bed Wetting occurs when the bladder is full and the child is unable to wake up.
It has been seen that children with the problem of bed-wetting, urinate more during night.
This is due to the production of little amount of a hormone, which mainly controls the production of urine.
The children have bladders, which are unable to hold large amount.
It would be advisable to consult your doctor to get rid of this problem.
Problems of bed-wetting can be also genetic.
Stress is another key factor of bed wetting among small children.
For instance, the instances of the child wetting the bed are high if the family is facing some kind of crisis or similar situation.
These are common symptoms of bed wetting of the children.
Help Your Child To make things easier and acceptable for the child, you must make the child understand that bed-wetting does happen with children.
Scolding or rebuke is not a solution; rather it aggravates the problem.
It would be advisable to limit the intake of soft drinks containing caffeine.
Intake of caffeine results in the production of large amount of urine.
But, do not restrict the intake of water.
Cover the bedding with some waterproof sheet.
Another major thing that needs to be considered is your behavior with your child.
There is a bladder-training program, which in fact has helped many children.
To know more about the bladder training programs, you can visit local community health center or consult a doctor.
Lastly, keep reassuring your child that bed wetting is a common problem, which is going to be corrected.
But, some children above 3 years are also prone to wet the bed.
In medical terminology it is known as Nocturnal Enuresis.
According to experts, one out of five in the five-year-old age group; five per cent of children aged ten and one per cent among 15 years old wet the bed.
Reasons for Bed Wetting Bed Wetting occurs when the bladder is full and the child is unable to wake up.
It has been seen that children with the problem of bed-wetting, urinate more during night.
This is due to the production of little amount of a hormone, which mainly controls the production of urine.
The children have bladders, which are unable to hold large amount.
It would be advisable to consult your doctor to get rid of this problem.
Problems of bed-wetting can be also genetic.
Stress is another key factor of bed wetting among small children.
For instance, the instances of the child wetting the bed are high if the family is facing some kind of crisis or similar situation.
These are common symptoms of bed wetting of the children.
Help Your Child To make things easier and acceptable for the child, you must make the child understand that bed-wetting does happen with children.
Scolding or rebuke is not a solution; rather it aggravates the problem.
It would be advisable to limit the intake of soft drinks containing caffeine.
Intake of caffeine results in the production of large amount of urine.
But, do not restrict the intake of water.
Cover the bedding with some waterproof sheet.
Another major thing that needs to be considered is your behavior with your child.
There is a bladder-training program, which in fact has helped many children.
To know more about the bladder training programs, you can visit local community health center or consult a doctor.
Lastly, keep reassuring your child that bed wetting is a common problem, which is going to be corrected.