Iowa Renter's Rights
- Renters have the right not to be discriminated against because of a disability. They also have the right not to be discriminated against because of race, gender or sexual orientation, among other things.
- The Fair Housing Act allows landlords to allow for reasonable accommodations for tenants. This may include modifying a "No Pets" rule for service animals, or allowing tenants with disabilities to have parking spaces closer to the building.
- The Fair Housing Act also allows landlords or tenants to make reasonable modifications to an apartment in the case of disabilities. This includes installing grab bars in showers or widening a door to accommodate a wheelchair.
- Renter's rights are available to all tenants of an apartment complex. However, if a landlord feels the tenant poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others, or feels there is a substantial risk of property damage, the tenant's rights may be waived.