Ways To Beat The Games
Like all casino games Roulette is a game of chance. The particular site I was on happened to be kind enough to break down the statistical probabilities of each bounce of the ball. There was even a method to use these odds to my favor and the logic behind the thinking appeared to be sound. And it still does to a degree.
The idea was that the player must choose a color of either red or black and stick with that color for the remainder of the game. The chance that the ball would land on black or red on each spin of the wheel is always fifty-percent. If a player were to choose a number and a color, however, the odds are much more complicated. But for this particular system of logic the player must keep it simple.
Now for the interesting part. Each time that the ball lands on a color the next spin remains a fifty-percent chance for that particular spin, but the probability of it landing on the specific color again diminishes. Sound confusing? The chance of the ball landing on black, for example, diminishes each time the ball lands on black but remains the same fifty-percent chance for that particular spin. Spins have to be looked at by number of times that the particular color pops up, but can't be ruled out to come up again because the probability for the individual spin is the same.
How does a player use this to their advantage? If a player can remain dedicated to one color, red or black, and bet on the color no matter how many times the opposite color pops up they can end up winning in the long run. The trick is being able to bankroll the amount of money needed to stay in the game until your color comes up.
Roulette is one of the most beautiful games of chance that has ever been devised. Even the novice can pick a number out of the divine ether and become a winner. And skill has very little to do with where the little ball will land. However, the only edge that a player can use in this game, that I have found so far, is that of playing the probabilities. Learning how to bet one these probabilities and using them to your advantage is in itself a very lengthy discussion and will be covered in Part II.