An Introduction to Tag and Ping
Every web site owner knows how important it can be to have a good ranking with the major search engines, but this ranking can be difficult, and expensive, to obtain.
There is a better way, however, to drive traffic to your site, and it does not rely on the search engines Tagging is a great way to drive traffic and find targeted visitors, and it relies not on search engines, but on the many new social networking sites that are changing the nature of the internet.
Using these kinds of bookmarking sites is a great way to maximize traffic, but it is important to know how to use these sites to their maximum benefit.
If you simply tag blog posts without a strategy you will not be able to obtain the exposure and the targeted traffic you are aiming for, so it is important to carefully research the subject before getting started.
This research begins with a thorough understanding of how the Technorati site works, how the search engines work and a careful analysis of the results obtained in a couple of test blog posts.
A thorough analysis will likely lead you to the conclusion that tagging is a powerful tool indeed.
In order to understand the power of tagging it is important to understand the concept of social bookmarking.
Chances are you are already familiar with the concept, but if not, social bookmarking is simply a way for users to store a list of their bookmarks, or favorite site, online.
The advantages of this technology are obvious from the user's point of view.
Instead of having their favorites limited to a file on their own personal computer, those favorites are available no matter where the user is, whether it is an internet cafe, a friend's house, work, school or anywhere else.
In addition, users are able to use tags to access their bookmarks, meaning that they are able to assign a single bookmark to several different categories.
In addition to these technological benefits, social bookmarking has a social aspect as well.
Users are able to easily share their favorite sites, and other user are able to easily find those sites others have already determined to be the best.
Instead of spending hours searching for the best movie site, the best business site or the best news site, users can look to social networks for a list of the best sites.
There is a better way, however, to drive traffic to your site, and it does not rely on the search engines Tagging is a great way to drive traffic and find targeted visitors, and it relies not on search engines, but on the many new social networking sites that are changing the nature of the internet.
Using these kinds of bookmarking sites is a great way to maximize traffic, but it is important to know how to use these sites to their maximum benefit.
If you simply tag blog posts without a strategy you will not be able to obtain the exposure and the targeted traffic you are aiming for, so it is important to carefully research the subject before getting started.
This research begins with a thorough understanding of how the Technorati site works, how the search engines work and a careful analysis of the results obtained in a couple of test blog posts.
A thorough analysis will likely lead you to the conclusion that tagging is a powerful tool indeed.
In order to understand the power of tagging it is important to understand the concept of social bookmarking.
Chances are you are already familiar with the concept, but if not, social bookmarking is simply a way for users to store a list of their bookmarks, or favorite site, online.
The advantages of this technology are obvious from the user's point of view.
Instead of having their favorites limited to a file on their own personal computer, those favorites are available no matter where the user is, whether it is an internet cafe, a friend's house, work, school or anywhere else.
In addition, users are able to use tags to access their bookmarks, meaning that they are able to assign a single bookmark to several different categories.
In addition to these technological benefits, social bookmarking has a social aspect as well.
Users are able to easily share their favorite sites, and other user are able to easily find those sites others have already determined to be the best.
Instead of spending hours searching for the best movie site, the best business site or the best news site, users can look to social networks for a list of the best sites.