China Arrests Malware People
Some of course comes from malcontents in the United States too.
Authorities over time can generally track down the bad guys, but not always.
But since more and more hackers come from over seas it is harder to catch them.
Currently the situation is so bad that if these issues are not stopped then the Internet as we know it will be run over by malicious malware.
Some estimates believe there are something like 175,000 zombie or hijacked networks or computers out there causing these problems and the owners do not even know it.
Some industry analysts want to attack back, but in doing so you end up harming an already innocent victim.
Did you check your computer system today? Is it safe? Most likely it is somewhat safe, the question is for how long? China is now helping by finding the Chinese malware distributors and arresting them, but China is not alone in the problem.
Other nations have malware malcontents too and are slow to act.
cfm?newsid=8016 China admits that this is their first malware bust and arrest, will there be more? What about in Eastern European Nations, Russia and the rest of Asia too? Time will tell.
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