Roof Boxes: Not Ugly But Useful Addition
For this, buying any kind of roof box and then adding it to the car will not suffice. A nicely shaped box with polished and chic outside should be chosen for the purpose. As of now, almost all types of boxes are special in their own way. Except for the colour, roof boxes match with the design and model of any average car. Though it is not possible to get a box of exactly the same colour of every car, a matching one will not be tough to come by.
So, unlike popular belief, addition of roof boxes does not lessen the beauty of a car; rather, it increases it. However, it is not that one should add boxes on the top of his car to better its look. The main purpose of making this addition is to solve the space problem in a car. When it becomes necessary to carry a lot of accessories and the trunk of the car cannot accommodate all them, these boxes come really handy.
Sometimes, one needs to carry things that can be accommodated neither in the trunk nor the roof boxes. Some of those things are bikes, fishing rods, canoes, skiing boat, etc. Things that cannot be kept in a box can be attached to the racks. Like the roof boxes, there are roof racks that look chic and flashy.