Two Common Divorce Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
Divorce mistakes will happen.
As in anything though, the more you are aware of common divorce mistakes and actively work to minimize them, the smoother your life after divorce.
These divorce mishaps can be broken down into 2 categories.
(1) Common divorce mistakes involving technical errors like not responding in a timely manner to the dissolution of marriage petition.
(2) Common divorce mistakes involving emotional miscues, such as badmouthing your spouse in front of your children.
This family law advice article will tackle two integral divorce mistakes of an emotional nature.
These lapses in judgment may seem obvious but are still at the top of the list of divorce mishaps that can really hamper your case and overall life after divorce.
Do not send or communicate anything to your spouse of a spiteful or ill-will manner.
Even if your spouse was unfaithful and you feel justified, don't do it.
As common divorce mistakes go, the magnitude of this one is increased these days because of all the different mediums we have today to communicate.
Once upon a time this mistake was relegated only to nasty voice mail messages.
Today you have email, Facebook, Twitter...
So understand that if you utilize any of these mediums in a negative way against your spouse there will be a record of it.
And said record can be used against you at some point during the divorce process.
Refrain from hasty and unfocused decisions.
A lot of times divorce mistakes are made because people are in an extreme emotional state and therefore susceptible to bad decisions.
Common divorce mistakes in this area can include quitting your job and moving away.
It goes without saying; do not quit your job.
This is where your seeking of the proper support from family and friends becomes beneficial.
You need a deliberate and composed demeanor to navigate yourself the best way possible through the divorce proceedings.
Running away will only add an unprepared, unstable aura to your case.
Plus, with the uncertainty of the near future your best bet is to remain as stable as possible and continue to earn and save.
The common thread the examples above have is emotion.
And proper control of your emotions will go a long way towards displaying the kind of stability that will benefit your case.
Just note that somewhere along the divorce process a decision on your case may come down to a family court Judge.
And the best family law advice will tell you that the strongest position you can present is that of a stable, well-adjusted spouse just looking to be fair.
As in anything though, the more you are aware of common divorce mistakes and actively work to minimize them, the smoother your life after divorce.
These divorce mishaps can be broken down into 2 categories.
(1) Common divorce mistakes involving technical errors like not responding in a timely manner to the dissolution of marriage petition.
(2) Common divorce mistakes involving emotional miscues, such as badmouthing your spouse in front of your children.
This family law advice article will tackle two integral divorce mistakes of an emotional nature.
These lapses in judgment may seem obvious but are still at the top of the list of divorce mishaps that can really hamper your case and overall life after divorce.
Do not send or communicate anything to your spouse of a spiteful or ill-will manner.
Even if your spouse was unfaithful and you feel justified, don't do it.
As common divorce mistakes go, the magnitude of this one is increased these days because of all the different mediums we have today to communicate.
Once upon a time this mistake was relegated only to nasty voice mail messages.
Today you have email, Facebook, Twitter...
So understand that if you utilize any of these mediums in a negative way against your spouse there will be a record of it.
And said record can be used against you at some point during the divorce process.
Refrain from hasty and unfocused decisions.
A lot of times divorce mistakes are made because people are in an extreme emotional state and therefore susceptible to bad decisions.
Common divorce mistakes in this area can include quitting your job and moving away.
It goes without saying; do not quit your job.
This is where your seeking of the proper support from family and friends becomes beneficial.
You need a deliberate and composed demeanor to navigate yourself the best way possible through the divorce proceedings.
Running away will only add an unprepared, unstable aura to your case.
Plus, with the uncertainty of the near future your best bet is to remain as stable as possible and continue to earn and save.
The common thread the examples above have is emotion.
And proper control of your emotions will go a long way towards displaying the kind of stability that will benefit your case.
Just note that somewhere along the divorce process a decision on your case may come down to a family court Judge.
And the best family law advice will tell you that the strongest position you can present is that of a stable, well-adjusted spouse just looking to be fair.