Entourage Repair to Fix Entourage Database Daemon Error
It helps Reminder to function even if all Microsoft applications are closed.
For proper accessing of your valuable data, database daemon must be in working state.
However, in some situations, database daemon may encounter errors and you cannot access data from the database.
This behavior causes data loss and you need to recover Entourage database to get your data back.
As a practical example of database daemon problem with Microsoft Entourage, you may encounter the following error while accessing data from Entourage 2008 database- "The database daemon has encountered an unknown error.
The daemon will need to quit and Entourage may need to force quit" When you press OK button after this error, application shuts down.
The problem occurs every time you start the Email client.
Resolution- Use any of the following Entourage repair solutions to extract inaccessible data in such cases-
- Check whether you have more than one database daemon, if yes then remove them all.
Open System Preferences and Login Items in Accounts to check it. - Reboot your Mac OS X machine.
Launch Entourage application while holding the Shift key.
If it opens, then check the Outbox.
There can be a corrupt message that is causing this problem.
Remove it. - Rebuild Entourage Identity using Database Utility.
Before you proceed for this option, you must create a backup of your Identity in Finder.
It will help you prevent any further damage to your data.
In such situations, you need to repair Entourage database using Entourage recovery software.
Entourage recovery applications are capable of effectively handling all corruption issues.
Such software are totally secure and simple to use with read-only conduct and interactive user interface.