Weight Loss Supplements - Some Words Of Caution
Appetite Suppressants Appetite suppressants are number one on the list of rapidly growing diet scams.
Most of the main ingredients in these supplements are Caffeine, guarana, bitter orange and yerba mate and ephedrine, which do promote some appetite suppression, due to these ingredients are used to stimulate the nervous system, and can have adverse side effects.
Some of these side effects consist of headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia and rapid heart rate, and once the effects of the supplement wear off the appetite returns and you are more hungry than before you ingested the supplement, thereby increased appetite occurs.
Product labeling is also deceptive on most suppressants, stating ephedrine free, but a lot of supplement still contain ephedrine even though the FDA has banned it's use.
Continued use of appetite suppressants can lead to the risk of heart and digestive problems as well as psychological problems.
Metabolism Accelerators These weight loss supplements make claims that promise the rapid loss by speeding up your metabolism.
These claim have yet to be proven, some studies do show that there may be a slight increase in the calories you burn when taking them, however the study shows only 60 to 70 calories extra per day are burned.
This puts to rest the claim of rapid loss, jump roping for 15 to 20 minutes will burn up to 200 calories.
Fat Blockers These weight loss supplements claim the ingredients will actually block the absorption of carbs and fats.
Several studies have shown no significant result with fat absorption, and the most recent study actually shows that it would take a man seven months to lose one pound of fat, and in women there was no loss of fat at all, and being women are the main target of fat blocker ads makes this the biggest scam of all.
Satiety Inducers Ingredients such as guar gum and psyllium in this little miracle supplement is suppose to make you feel fuller, thereby helping you to eat less.
Well in 11 different studies, not one showed any indication of improvement.
The claims that psyllium helps to control blood sugar or blood cholesterol are also not supported, and basically the study does not support any claims that this supplement will suppress eating or any claims of weight reduction.
Harvard Medical School did a review of 175 weight loss supplements that are currently available to the public and their finding concluded that none of the 175 met the three standards that are set for product quality, effectiveness and most of all safety.
Most of the main ingredients in these supplements are Caffeine, guarana, bitter orange and yerba mate and ephedrine, which do promote some appetite suppression, due to these ingredients are used to stimulate the nervous system, and can have adverse side effects.
Some of these side effects consist of headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia and rapid heart rate, and once the effects of the supplement wear off the appetite returns and you are more hungry than before you ingested the supplement, thereby increased appetite occurs.
Product labeling is also deceptive on most suppressants, stating ephedrine free, but a lot of supplement still contain ephedrine even though the FDA has banned it's use.
Continued use of appetite suppressants can lead to the risk of heart and digestive problems as well as psychological problems.
Metabolism Accelerators These weight loss supplements make claims that promise the rapid loss by speeding up your metabolism.
These claim have yet to be proven, some studies do show that there may be a slight increase in the calories you burn when taking them, however the study shows only 60 to 70 calories extra per day are burned.
This puts to rest the claim of rapid loss, jump roping for 15 to 20 minutes will burn up to 200 calories.
Fat Blockers These weight loss supplements claim the ingredients will actually block the absorption of carbs and fats.
Several studies have shown no significant result with fat absorption, and the most recent study actually shows that it would take a man seven months to lose one pound of fat, and in women there was no loss of fat at all, and being women are the main target of fat blocker ads makes this the biggest scam of all.
Satiety Inducers Ingredients such as guar gum and psyllium in this little miracle supplement is suppose to make you feel fuller, thereby helping you to eat less.
Well in 11 different studies, not one showed any indication of improvement.
The claims that psyllium helps to control blood sugar or blood cholesterol are also not supported, and basically the study does not support any claims that this supplement will suppress eating or any claims of weight reduction.
Harvard Medical School did a review of 175 weight loss supplements that are currently available to the public and their finding concluded that none of the 175 met the three standards that are set for product quality, effectiveness and most of all safety.