Readers" Cat Collectibles Picture Gallery: Artesan Crafted Cat Figurines
M. Isabel and I are longtime friends, and have shared many emails over several years. She is a caring person, who lavishes time and love on her fur-kids.
This photo shows some of my Cat Collection Figures. I have bought them in Chile, PerĂ¹ and Spain where I actually live with my 14 years old dog Perla and my two darling cats Melissa (5) and Chepita (3). Most of them are handcraft pieces made by the loving hand of an artesan.
This photo shows some of my Cat Collection Figures. I have bought them in Chile, PerĂ¹ and Spain where I actually live with my 14 years old dog Perla and my two darling cats Melissa (5) and Chepita (3). Most of them are handcraft pieces made by the loving hand of an artesan.