Lost Girl "The Mourning After" Review
This episode was titled 'The Mourning After'. It was an episode that was packed with action and intrigue. 'Lost Girl' has never really given an under par episode before and this was not going to be the first. They seem to have found a style that works for them because every thing done is meant to carry the story along. They don't slack or drag but each scene gives one insight or the other to deal with either the so called case of the week or the bigger arch as fans gets to know one more thing about the Fae world.
In this episode the primary and secondary story were both quite compelling. The case of the week was unusual and this is to be expected because that is the style they have adopted. And it helps keep the show from being monotonous as they bring up new run off the mill cases while there is always something constant with the over arching story. So in this episode, Trick and Kenzi's story was just as compelling as Bo's.
Trick and Kenzi worked together and this shows how they have grown from him not even wanting a human in his bar to being friends with her and counting on her. He has now come to trust Kenzi who has a way with people. She has a way of reading people and used it to full advantage when interacting with Trick so much so that he got him to confirm his powers even though he was evidently denying it.
And his powers couldn't help him either as it was Kenzi who did more to solve the coin mystery. And in the end she earned Trick's friendship and the free drinks for life at the bar won't harm her at all.
Bo's was on a journey of self discovery as she went with her newly found friend and dark Fae Saskia to learn as much as she can about being a Succubus. This was the first time she was seeing another Succubus in Saskia and she wanted to get all she can from her. But she may be walking on dangerous ground if Saskia killing of Betram the Albaster is any thing too by but she still seemed intrigued by everything about her.
Saskia has no qualms about most of the things Bo would think twice about. It may be because of she is Dark Fae or just her personality. The way she killed without showing any scruples shows that Bo should not allowed herself to get sucked in so much into the Fae universe and issues that she discards those things that have made her unique due to her growing up in the human world rather than the Fae world.
The trick is to learn without loosing her personality but this may be hard to achieve as shown by her meeting with Kenzi. She was at first interested in knowing how things went with her but it did not take long before she started missing Saskia.
This episode set the stage for some things that might happen as Bo continues her journey into the Fae world.
In this episode the primary and secondary story were both quite compelling. The case of the week was unusual and this is to be expected because that is the style they have adopted. And it helps keep the show from being monotonous as they bring up new run off the mill cases while there is always something constant with the over arching story. So in this episode, Trick and Kenzi's story was just as compelling as Bo's.
Trick and Kenzi worked together and this shows how they have grown from him not even wanting a human in his bar to being friends with her and counting on her. He has now come to trust Kenzi who has a way with people. She has a way of reading people and used it to full advantage when interacting with Trick so much so that he got him to confirm his powers even though he was evidently denying it.
And his powers couldn't help him either as it was Kenzi who did more to solve the coin mystery. And in the end she earned Trick's friendship and the free drinks for life at the bar won't harm her at all.
Bo's was on a journey of self discovery as she went with her newly found friend and dark Fae Saskia to learn as much as she can about being a Succubus. This was the first time she was seeing another Succubus in Saskia and she wanted to get all she can from her. But she may be walking on dangerous ground if Saskia killing of Betram the Albaster is any thing too by but she still seemed intrigued by everything about her.
Saskia has no qualms about most of the things Bo would think twice about. It may be because of she is Dark Fae or just her personality. The way she killed without showing any scruples shows that Bo should not allowed herself to get sucked in so much into the Fae universe and issues that she discards those things that have made her unique due to her growing up in the human world rather than the Fae world.
The trick is to learn without loosing her personality but this may be hard to achieve as shown by her meeting with Kenzi. She was at first interested in knowing how things went with her but it did not take long before she started missing Saskia.
This episode set the stage for some things that might happen as Bo continues her journey into the Fae world.