Succeed at Working From Home
As a mom you are well aware of the countless things you need to get done on a daily basis, therefore working from home can be a challenge.
There are a few key factors that will assist you in doing just what you need to accomplish all your daily tasks.
A few of the issues that are most important are DETERMINATION & GOALS, ORGANIZATION, PRIORITIES AND SCHEDULING.
Determination & Goals: If you are determined to make an income from home, you can do it.
If you are going to be wishy-washy about it then it won't work.
Do work you enjoy.
It makes it a lot easier to want to work.
Set a goal for yourself whether it is to start or build a savings or save for something special that you have always wanted.
Give yourself an incentive to work.
Get and Stay Organized: Believe me, with clutter around it's hard to work.
If you don't know where your paperwork is to work on a project you'll like not bother looking for it and just not work.
Keep your work area as clean as you can.
I know it can be hard.
My desk is in the middle of the house so everything gets put on it.
So daily I take a few minutes to clear it off before I get set to work.
You don't need an office to set up a mini office just a corner or a small area you can have just for your things.
I file all my papers in one drawer, have a binder for paperwork for each company I work for and I make myself keep everything up to date.
If you are working off a table and don't have storage then perhaps a file folder box or expandable folder would work for you.
They don't take up much space and can be placed under a table so as to not be intrusive.
Stay focused on what you need to do.
Priorities: If your children aren't of school age yet like mine, they are your first priority as are mine.
They are, after all the reason for wanting to work at home.
Get them up and ready for the day early.
Get them settled and then begin your list for the day.
You can either have a calendar on your desk in which you can write in your daily activities or just grab a notebook and make your daily list.
This can be done in the morning or even the day or evening before.
Start your daily task list off with the most important tasks you need to do.
Leave the least important tasks at the bottom.
Scheduling/Flexibility: Now this can be hard for most moms, as things come up daily that are unexpected.
Make sure in your schedule you give yourself time to spend with your kids, either going for a quick walk or just playing together.
Allow yourself some room for flexibility for those unexpected happenings and take a few minutes just for you as this will help regenerate you.
A strict schedule is hard to keep and can become frustrating.
Some work at home jobs such as call center work or customer service you are required to schedule your work hours so that will assist you in scheduling your other activities around it.
Some positions such as document coding allow for a bit more flexibility in your work schedule.
But whatever type of work you do, do it wholeheartedly.
You will succeed.
There are a few key factors that will assist you in doing just what you need to accomplish all your daily tasks.
A few of the issues that are most important are DETERMINATION & GOALS, ORGANIZATION, PRIORITIES AND SCHEDULING.
Determination & Goals: If you are determined to make an income from home, you can do it.
If you are going to be wishy-washy about it then it won't work.
Do work you enjoy.
It makes it a lot easier to want to work.
Set a goal for yourself whether it is to start or build a savings or save for something special that you have always wanted.
Give yourself an incentive to work.
Get and Stay Organized: Believe me, with clutter around it's hard to work.
If you don't know where your paperwork is to work on a project you'll like not bother looking for it and just not work.
Keep your work area as clean as you can.
I know it can be hard.
My desk is in the middle of the house so everything gets put on it.
So daily I take a few minutes to clear it off before I get set to work.
You don't need an office to set up a mini office just a corner or a small area you can have just for your things.
I file all my papers in one drawer, have a binder for paperwork for each company I work for and I make myself keep everything up to date.
If you are working off a table and don't have storage then perhaps a file folder box or expandable folder would work for you.
They don't take up much space and can be placed under a table so as to not be intrusive.
Stay focused on what you need to do.
Priorities: If your children aren't of school age yet like mine, they are your first priority as are mine.
They are, after all the reason for wanting to work at home.
Get them up and ready for the day early.
Get them settled and then begin your list for the day.
You can either have a calendar on your desk in which you can write in your daily activities or just grab a notebook and make your daily list.
This can be done in the morning or even the day or evening before.
Start your daily task list off with the most important tasks you need to do.
Leave the least important tasks at the bottom.
Scheduling/Flexibility: Now this can be hard for most moms, as things come up daily that are unexpected.
Make sure in your schedule you give yourself time to spend with your kids, either going for a quick walk or just playing together.
Allow yourself some room for flexibility for those unexpected happenings and take a few minutes just for you as this will help regenerate you.
A strict schedule is hard to keep and can become frustrating.
Some work at home jobs such as call center work or customer service you are required to schedule your work hours so that will assist you in scheduling your other activities around it.
Some positions such as document coding allow for a bit more flexibility in your work schedule.
But whatever type of work you do, do it wholeheartedly.
You will succeed.