Natural Techniques for Sluggish Thyroid
- You will find your thyroid gland just under the Adam's apple in your neck. It's main job is to produce the hormone thyroxin. Thyroxin is then transported to almost all of the cells in the body. The thyroid has been likened to the thermostat of the body.
When it does not work well, many systems are affected - A high incidence of autoimmune diseases is thought to be a factor in setting off
low thyroid. Some of the symptoms are even common to many autoimmune diseases.
These symptoms may be: fatigue and lethargy, depression, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, muscle aches, constipation, hoarseness, low libido, brain fog, having many colds, and flu episodes. - One of the most common ways to determine low thyroid is to take your temperature before you get out of bed. Do this for several days in a row. If the thermometer shows 97.8 continually, most likely you have low thyroid.
- Items that should be avoided for low thyroid include white flour products, saturated fats, sugars and refined foods. Also, some cruciferous veggies like cabbage, broccoli, kale and mustard greens have been shown to inhibit the thyroid capability.
Yellow and orange vegetables as well as eggs are natural boosters. Carrots, with their natural vitamin A, and iodine in sources such as seaweed have been shown to be most helpful. One study found black and red radishes to have the capability to keep thyroxin at a normal balance. Vitamin C, essential fatty acids and calcium help to promote natural glandular activity. Avena sativa, from the wild oat plant, is well known as a nerve tonic and restorative. Getting into a daily routine of yoga and mediation have also shown to promote adrenal health and glandular well being.
What Is the Thyroid?
Symptoms of Sluggish Thyroid
Determining If You Have Low Thyroid
Natural Techniques to Energize Your Thyroid